[Minister of Information] - Mid-term Reports

Day 1,924, 03:59 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

First I would just like to apologize with the late mid-term report. I wanted to see if we would gain a congress before posting.

Senate Report

Since the last report senate has gone through a couple cycles of activity. Privately (both in sensitive and on the public forums) a good portion of it involved plans and options for retaining a congress for March and our current situation. Please see the senate forums for more on that including some updates on the CoT court case. Unfortunately some of it is in the sensitive section for cabinet and Senate but please feel free to chat with a senator or post in the public gallery if you have questions or concerns.

The other big topic was the tax changes done earlier with the MoF keeping us updated with some great reports. In the end the decision was made that the higher VAT was stifling the economy some and it was reduced down to 8% as a new experiment to see if it would help (compared to the 10% before the last change).

Votes in game:

Changing Food VAT from 15% (old) to 8% (new)
Import tax no change

Changing Weapons VAT from 15% (old) to 8% (new).
Import tax no change

All votes passed in game

Forum vote:
Yes: 15
No: 1
Abstain: 0

Other discussions:

The final vote on the budget from earlier
Yes: 12
No: 2
Abstain: 0

[Question to the PM] Defence Orders
Senator Mr Crumpets started a discussion on DoD orders, how to get them more public and how they are distributed.

We signed an MPP with Ireland
In game vote

Senate Speaker

Cabinet Reports

Deparmtment of Foreign Affairs

Minster of Foreign Affairs 2nd Report

As you all realize this past month our nation has been in jepoardy. We have been in constant of war with Chile/Indonesia/New Zealand. We have been continuely wiped by these nations each time we have freed one of our regions in a Resistance War. All the while our hands remained tied as the CoT Court Judgement continues to drag on. In light of this the MoFA has been working to protect our regions through dilpomatic means without trying to jepordize a CoT decision in our favor, even though it appears that the three countries occupying us seem to be hell bent on making sure we stay wiped and cannot have a congress.

We have been contacting various nations about building relationships. This has produced one further MPP for us in addition to South Africa. I would like to give a huge thankyou to eIreland for taking this step with us and I hope we can build a relationship of brotherhood. We are still looking at signing some MPPs with other neutral countries.

In light of the fact that our hands are tied because of the hearing, I have attempted to lobby CoT HQ to stop the repeated wipes of Australia until after judgement has passed. While I have received replies from the HQ no action has yet to be taken.

I would like to remind all the citizens that your MoFA department is working hard to develop relations with other nations to build our future upon and so that we can have a senate for the next term.

~Your Government Working For You~

Minister of Foreign Affairs

I have been continuing to work on close relations with the Pacific region. I've maintained contact with the Pacific regional Presidents, discussing with them on a range of topics. I also scouted a lot of foreign support for our victory in Western Australia. Other than that it has been a quiet month as we are waiting for the results of the CoT court.

Aussie Bloke
Minister - Pacific

Department of Defence

Tim will be adding the Department of Defence report in his next CP address.

[AusDoD] - Orders

Department of Finance

Taken from Holtz Govt mid term financial report Feb 2013


Please find the mid term report here:

You will notice that we have achieved a small surplus of $16,032 based on reduced spending even though tax income has fallen behind budget estimates. We have proposed just 1 MPP and have spent nothing else. Note that the ADF continues to eke out an existence on an oily rag.

Tax income of just 26,032 is behind the full month budget of 72,000. The VAT rate was increased from 10% to 15% and that appears to have reduced the volume of goods traded on the market, thus reducing the tax income.

This transition is more obvious when looking at it week by week.

Week 1 $14,784
Week 2 $11,248

This suggests a migration of buyers and sellers away from the normal market to the black market. It would appear from this that future tax income with current settings, will be below the previous tax income.

Unfortunately this trend will not easily be reversed even if the tax rates are rolled back. I recommend that Senate look at this situation most carefully with a view to maximising our future tax income.

Minister of Finance

Department of Immigration

Being wiped for most of the term hasn't given us many citizens to approve. In saying that, their has been no PTO threats and this term so far is pretty clean.

Arthur the Elitist Cole
Minister for Immigration

Department of National Security

Baby boom

In the 72 hours up to eDay 1,923 at 22:00 eRepTime there were 21 new eAustralians. Unfortunately no less than nine were stillborn with Fluttery, GreenKnight2, JohnSnow92, larryb0y, methlab, ninjacat69, tagg3r, againonthis, James69Bond all permanently banned.

In addition the following two new arrivals each had only one friend Satucinta who joined 23 Feb 2013 is a friend of wahyumedox who joined 16 Jan 2013 and is an Indonesia citizen while betus111 who joined 20 Feb 2013 has one friend Efe Karabulat a Turkish citizen.

Harock and Epacs who both joined 19 Feb 2013 as Australian citizens each have the other as their only friend and both are located Chile, Argentine Northeast.

Work on identifying Multis continue.

The following three players were all located in Argentina, Mesopotamia

Franco Medina Podolsky – Australian
Franco Medina Arg – Argentina
FrancoMP – Argentina

The Australian and one Argentinean, Franco Medina Arg, have the same icon, the Australian flag.

Aus Citizen forum requests

On average three of four Aus Citizen forum requests are been received each week and are being promptly accessed.

Minister of National Security

Department of Social Services

With only 4 new players staying in Erepublik so far, this term has been quiet dull. Which has given me the time to create 2 more education articles.

Minister for Education and Centrelink

Education Articles by ronnyJnrJnr
Food Types and Resources
To Open or Not To Open, That Is The Question
A Little More About Wars

Current Cabinet

Prime Minister/Country President: Tim_Holtz
Deputy Prime Minister/Deputy Country President: scottty the NUKE

Chief of Staff: Ranger Bob

Deparmtment of Foreign Affairs

Senior Minister: Valentyme
Minister - Americas: Reximus
Minister - Pacific: Aussie Bloke
Minister - Europe, Middle East and Asia: roboz
Deputy Minister: Teijiro

Department of Defence

Minister: Majester
Deputy Ministers: Roboa, Arfman, irule777

Department of Finance

Minister: venja
Deputy Minister: Mickskitz
Deputy Minister: Valentyme

Department of Propaganda Communication

Minister for Media: Tim_Holtz
Ministers for Information: scottty the NUKE

Department of Social Services

Minister for Education and Centrelink: ronnyJnrJnr

Department of Internal Affairs

Minister for Immigration: Arthur the Elitist Cole
Minister for National Security: Detroit34

The eAustralian National Library

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.