[LTC] What Is Love? / I Write Tragedies, Not Sins.

Day 2,750, 22:59 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001
Baby don't hurt me...
Love is taking that dive...
etc. etc.

So recently, we've had the presidential eWedding between Great Leader Trekker and Great First Lady BeachBunny. We also had the joining of AnthrHarliQuinn and Chance Harrison. Unfortunately, I was only in attendance for the Presidential Wedding, and I can tell you it had tons of feels. And I mean tons.

I MEAN LOOK AT THIS HOW CAN YOU NOT FEEL THE ABUNDANCE OF FEELS? http://beachbunnyblog.tumblr.com/post/120274687813

I wish prosperity and eternal happiness to each of you.

But now I'd like to tell a story.

A boy is entering 7th grade. Almost for as long as he could remember, he was the most hated person in the school, being bullied almost constantly. Granted, he'd never made it easier on himself, but he didn't really care since it had been happening for so long. But for some reason, he felt like 7th grade was gonna be the year that everything turned around for him.

He goes through his classes like normal, taking verbal abuse just like every year, but there was one person who caught his eye. A girl who sat behind him in Social Studies. They practically hit it off, getting to know each other really fast and talking on Facebook everyday. Overtime, Olivia starts helping the boy with a lot of the problems he had, especially with the other classmates. (This is the fatal flaw of the boy, or the Hamartia if you will. He has to fix everything wrong with him) This led to the bullying to rapidly decrease, which was amazing to him! He never felt so happy just to go to school before.

After a couple months, the boy finally works up the courage to ask her out. Miraculously, she says yes! The boy is so hyped now, he's finally found someone who likes him back!

After 1 month and 28 days, she messages the boy on facebook that she'd rather be friends. The boy is devastated, and spends about 10 hours laying on a park bench, thinking about what went wrong. But he can't think of anything. He doesn't know what he needs to fix about himself. No matter how much he asked her, she never gave him a reason. He never got the closer he so desperately wanted.

To fill this void, the boy turned to gaming. He was only a casual player at the time, but after the relationship and its fallout, he devoted almost all time he had to gaming just to distract himself from the real world, even nearly failing classes because of it.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'd be surprised, but this obviously my story.

Ever since the relationship, I've avoided relationships with the highest effort. I don't want to commit myself to a person so hard like I did with her. I don't want to feel that heartbreak again.

I still don't know why she broke up with me, and I'm still trying to figure it out. I want to fix what she saw wrong, but I can't figure it out for the life of me.

So why did I write this?

To get it off my chest?
To get advice?
To say screw it and try to get that stupid 25 different comments from different people quest thing done with a stupid love story?

I don't know.

I really don't.

You can cover any emotional wound, but sometimes some blood is bound to come out. And that's perfectly okay
