[Janty F] Buy food on Dutch Market

Day 3,918, 05:51 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

you know... there are many ways, how to support your country. Fighting is very important - you fight for Netherlands helping it to win, while getting some nice TP (and FF and BH) medals (unless you are like me, having TP medals from somewhere else to surpass first 🙁 ). Of course, you need to follow orders, and let Canada win in our direct battles to keep that TW going, so do not over-do it with that fighting! However, after the fight, or even during it, you might enjoy a little snack. Some bread with vegetables, or a plate with... uhm... more bread and vegetables. And you can support your country by eating the snack too, by buying it on Dutch market and allowing Netherlands to collect VAT tax. And even though the tax itself is not high, by buying your food regularly on our market (instead of a market of random foreign country), you can make a small difference each day - and those differences add up, as I will show you now!

Of course, for customer it is convenient to buy for international prices - and here is where I got you covered! For the past few years, I have been selling food for international prices on Cuban market, and now I have come to Netherlands to do the same. Each day, I produce around 2 000 Q2 and Q3 food (and 25 WRM too, but that is not taxed, so it is not interesting to talk about), and I do my best to put it on Dutch market with price competitive to other countries. Just look at this example, which I screenshoted moments ago:

Best price, not only in Netherlands.

Neat, right? If you buy this food, everyone gets a profit - you, me, and our country as well. Let's see... with current VAT of 4% on Food, each Q2 bread sold on our market earns approximately 0,015 cc of VAT for our treasury, and each Q3 bread 0,02 cc of VAT. So, by buying all my available bread daily, we can make together 2000 * (0,015 + 0,02) = 70 cc of VAT income for Netherlands. Does not sound like much... but when we calculate that the daily average VAT income from last 7 days was 237 currency... the increase will be certainly visible - and in smaller countries, each currency counts.

TL😉R: There will be cheap food on our market sold by me (atleast until Plato changes determination rules, and I will lose all my bonuses 🙁 ). Buy it, and help everyone 🙂 !

This article was sponsored by Home Food Company - a food, which will not kill you!

Best regards

Janty F
Citizen of eNetherlands