[eRepublik Outsider] The battle of Southern Great Plain

Day 892, 14:06 Published in Croatia Hungary by Tomi_ur
14:05 server time, day 892 (23:05 CET, 30 April, 2010)

Dear citizens,

The last Outsider showed how we live historical moments. Every once in a while we have in eRepublik a battle which is powerful enough to re-write the history and might even change the fates of countries, empires or entire Alliances. The battle for Southern Great Plain has just ended, and what the future holds is yet to be reveal. Will Croatia counter-attack? Will another EDEN country try to conquer again this region? We shall see.

Southern Great Plain, also known as “Szeged”, is a very important region in eRepublik, especially for Hungary, due to its high-grain resource and huge number of companies. For almost a year this region was under Hungarian rule, and then under Croatian occupation for a few days which ended today due to a successful conquest war. In the final 1,5 minutes of the battle a sustained and coordinated attack of a large number of tanks (aka very powerful soldiers) brought the 143.000 points wall to – 13.000 in “conquered zone”. PHOENIX and Hungary were so coordinated that they brought the wall deep enough just to beat EDEN and Croatia without spending their resources on unnecessary costs. Of course, meanwhile the defenders tried hard to regain the control, but this time the expeditionary forces sent to liberate Southern Great Plain proved stronger.

We would like to congratulate all soldiers involved in this battle both entertaining and very important. No matter the side in which you fought for, you should show respect to your enemy. Because as eRepublik's history proved many times, there comes a day for each and every nation to feel the joy of victory and also taste the bitter feeling of losing. So, even if you lose never give up, fight for your country, fight for your beliefs, because someday you'll be repaid!

Congratulation everybody, and thank you all for offering such memorable moments in eRepublik!

The PHOENIX team