[eAustralian Government] The Current Situation

Day 2,142, 06:00 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Good evening eAustralian citizens,

This is a brief article to provide some much needed information to you on our current situation. Please read on for further details.

You may or may not be aware that we are currently occupied by two very powerful nations: eIndonesia and The FYROM.

First, let me address why we call them FYROM. For anyone that isn't aware, Greece and Macedonia maintain some RL conflict regarding the name of this state. It is as such that the term FYROM has come about (standing for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). I call them FYROM because that is what the RL Australian Government calls them and that is what I was subsequently told to call them. If you have an issue, cry to someone who cares.

Now, moving on... These two nations are much bigger than our size and therefore our recent efforts for liberation have failed. But there is hope on the horizon. Recently FYROM proposed a NE (Natural Enemy) law against Argentina. The Law was apparently a pre-emptive strike. Irrespective of this, we have a chance to beat FYROM with the backing of a much stronger nation, Argentina.

Argentina have always been good buddies (we've had strained moments but we've gotten through them) and we can prove to them that we are friends worth having. It is therefore I propose everyone please move to Argentina to help fight again the impending attack of FYROM on Argentina.

In doing so, we can attack FYROM with Argentina and their allies and hopefully drive FYROM out of Oceania and back to... Well... Back to nowhere.

It just goes to show that Aussie Spirit never dies.


Prime Minister

The eAustralian National Library

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