[eAustralian Government] Party President Elections

Day 2,126, 05:18 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Party Presidential Elections:

If you are a member of a political party, that means that you are eligible to vote today for who you want to represent your party as its leader. Remember that this is a very important decision, as it not only affects you and your party, but the nation as a whole. Why is this you might ask? Well read on to find out.

The Party Presidents Job:

A party President is there to be the leader and representative of your political institution. They are your choice and their actions should reflect your desires. Most party presidents will release a mandate of which they hope for your vote, be this through a mail, article or via some other external site. That is their choice.

A party president helps shape the political landscape of this country through their decisions. We will see this in their actions...

The Party Presidents Actions:

A Party President does the following in-game:

1. Select the Order of Candidates for Congress/Senate elections in-game

This means that when you run for congress, it is the President who decides what number you are on the list. So if you run alongside another 10 members of your party, you can be placed between 1-10 on that ballot. The further down the list, the less chance of being elected.

2. Select the Candidate for the Country President/ Prime Ministerial Elections

On the 5th of each month we vote for our national leader. The national leader candidates come from differing parties, and they are put forward by the President of that party, without their consent, the person cannot run regardless of their mandate, status or popular opinion.

3. Control the name, image and orientation of the Party

All this can be done from the party options panel in the party page. There is no limit (obviously game rules enforced) as to what the President can do here.

A Party President does the following optionally:

1. Organise their party

The Party President can make their party as active or as inactive as they wish. They can consult members on issues or shape party policy according to their members, or they can do nothing the entire term, it's their choice. Once a President is there, they remain so until voted out at the next election or they resign.

So Who are the Candidates?

From the Australian Revolutionary Party we have:

From the Australian Parliamentary Party we have:

From the Knighthawks Military Council we have:

From the Reform Party we have:

From the Australian National Party we have:

Good luck to all the Candidates!

Information for You:


Make sure you research your party first, and yourself to see which one best suits you! Weight up its members, activity and policies to make a good start.


Make sure you vote for who you think best for the job, not just anyone because of their name or picture. It's about making an informed and smart choice.


Feel free to message anyone in government about any questions you might have, good luck and good choosing!

Prime Minister

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