[eAustralian Government] Epic Warfare Tournament Explained

Day 2,121, 02:35 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Plato has announced a new tournament for us all, the Epic Warfare Tournament. It looks very interesting should prove a challenge for us, especially as we try to liberate our regions in light of the upcoming Senate Elections. This article will aim to explain what the tournament is about, how it impacts you and the country as a whole.

What does this mean for our Liberation?

Well it means a few things. First is that it's going to be a lot harder to get people fighting for us, because the general rule is this: the more damage you do in a battle, the more you want it to be one you get True Patriot Points for. In turn, it makes the chance of our MPP / Allies fighting for us largely reduced, as they will prefer to use big damage in an effort to get prestige points in a True Patriot Battle.

The Overall aim of this tournament is "Prestige Points" - Plato says that:

- For every hit done in a battle, a player will receive 1 Prestige Point.
- It’s important not to confuse “hits” with “kills”. One hit awards 1 Experience Point and consumes 10 Energy. Usually an opponent is defeated using 1 to 4 hits in average, depending on his Energy level and weapon quality.
- The Prestige Points will be received immediately after every hit.

Example: if a player killed an opponent in 3 hits, he will instantly receive 3 Prestige Points.

Prestige Points earn you rewards as you go, which are these:

- 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 550 Prestige Points -> 50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 625 Prestige Points -> Recover 20 Energy every 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 750 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 1 000 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 1 250 Prestige Points -> Recover 30 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 1 500 Prestige Points -> 100 Energy Center for 7 days
- 2 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 40 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 2 500 Prestige Points -> 50% Damage Booster for 24 hours
- 3 000 Prestige Points -> 150 Energy Center until the end of Day 2133
- 4 000 Prestige Points -> 40 Energy Bars
- 5 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 50 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 6 250 Prestige Points -> 200 Energy Center until the end of Day 2133
- 7 500 Prestige Points -> Recover 70 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 8 750 Prestige Points -> 250 Energy Center until the end of Day 2133
- 10 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 100 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 12 500 Prestige Points -> 50 Energy Bars
- 15 000 Prestige Points -> 60 Energy Bars
- 17 500 Prestige Points -> 70 Energy Bars
- 20 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 150 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 25 000 Prestige Points -> 80 Energy Bars
- 30 000 Prestige Points -> 90 Energy Bars
- 35 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 200 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 40 000 Prestige Points -> 100 Energy Bars
- 45 000 Prestige Points -> 110 Energy Bars
- 50 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 250 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 62 500 Prestige Points -> 120 Energy Bars
- 75 000 Prestige Points -> 130 Energy Bars
- 87 500 Prestige Points -> 140 Energy Bars
- 100 000 Prestige Points -> Recover 300 Energy per 6 minutes until the end of Day 2133
- 125 000 Prestige Points -> 150 Energy Bars
- 150 000 Prestige Points -> 150 Energy Bars
- For every 25 000 more Prestige Points -> 150 Energy Bars

So essentially we will want to earn Prestige Points to get the rewards, which means more damage. The more damage the less chance of it being for us. That is the bad news.

BUT there is a positive side as well. Plato says that there will be battles considered "Epic Battles", these will be when:

- A battle becomes epic if the damage done is:
- more than 10 000 000 damage dealt in that battle for Division 1
- more than 30 000 000 damage dealt in that battle for Division 2
- more than 100 000 000 damage dealt in that battle for Division 3
- more than 3 000 000 000 damage dealt in that battle for Division 4

The benefits of an Epic Battle are:

- The player will receive 3 Prestige Points for every hit he has done in that battle AFTER the moment the battle has become epic.

So if we can get our battles to become Epic, we will attract fighters from all over the eWorld. With our bigger MPP stack than eIndonesia there is a chance that we will see a victory on our side! But we have to somehow get our battle to this stage, which will be no easy feat considering everyone else will be off fighting elsewhere. I would suggest Combat Orders, but it's something to discuss with Government once the tournament is started and we can get a real understanding of the flow of damage.

So to conclude, it seems we've been pretty screwed over. Our chances of liberation seem relatively small now, and the worst part is that the tournament will last for SEVEN DAYS!! I suppose we'll just have to see.

What does this mean for the Country?

Plato in his infinite wisdom has also decided to continue with national rewards for damage done. Nations can obtain rewards for a rank they are given. Ranks are calculated as such:

- The countries will be ranked based on the average Prestige Points per active fighter (active fighter = a citizen who won at least 1 Prestige Point during the tournament)
- Formula: Total Number of Prestige Points gathered by the active fighters of a country divided by the number of active fighters - New accounts made 24 hours before the launch of the event and during the event will not enter the individual or country rankings

This system actually seems pretty fair, and we have a good shot at it if we can spur on everyone to do some serious damage. This means, if we start a sanctioned RW and really push hard, we can essentially get a fair advantage against Indonesia, considering a large portion of their population is bots. The rewards are also relatively decent:

- 1 - 10 - Quality 7 Defence Shield + 5 000 Gold
- 11 - 20 - Quality 6 Defence Shield + 3 000 Gold
- 21 - 30 - Quality 5 Defence Shield + 2 500 Gold
- 31 - 40 - Quality 4 Defence Shield + 2 000 Gold
- 41 - 50 - Quality 3 Defence Shield + 1 500 Gold
- 51 - 60 - Quality 2 Defence Shield + 1 000 Gold
- 61 - 70 - Quality 1 Defence Shield + 500 Gold

Defence Shields being:

*Defence Shield capacity:

- Quality 7: 10 billion damage
- Quality 6: 8 billion damage
- Quality 5: 6 billion damage
- Quality 4: 4 billion damage
- Quality 3: 3 billion damage
- Quality 2: 2 billion damage
- Quality 1: 1 billion damage

Everyone will agree that the defence shield from the last tournament was invaluable, and gave us a serious advantage against Indonesia, but it was also a pain in the ass for us to be fighting against theirs, hence the continued stalemate at the end of the conflict where neither side was able to overwhelm the other notably. So if we manage to get a good rank, we can get a Defence Shield and some serious cash to throw into the War and hell, we might have a chance at getting some regions before Senate.

What does this mean for you?

Well the individual rewards are awesome, as shown above. But to make it fully worthwhile we need some RW's to allow for True Patriot Damage. It would also be beneficial for our population to have extra Strength, Damage boosters, Energy Recovery and Health Centres for the coming war. Which means we should certainly strive for maximum damage.

Plato has also generously stated that decorations are back, and daily rankings will receive one to your profile:

- The top 10 players in the Daily rankings will receive a decoration (which will be customized for the top 3)
- The overall top 50 players from every country will receive a decoration (which will be customized for the top 3)
- All decorations will be awarded after the end of the tournament
- The rankings will be updated every 20 minutes

So if you're into fancy titles and stuff, get yourself one of those!

In conclusion; it seems we have a decision to make: (1) to push hard for a RW or (2) not waste resources and wait for a more opportune moment.

(1): Gives us the chance for TP Medals, more incentive to drop larger damage and a chance at liberation. BUT is challenged by the goal of Indo to also drop larger damage and earn TP Medals and possibly overwhelm us.

(2): Gives us the chance to let the tournament past, stockpile and earn ourselves some benefits along the way. BUT we lose TP medals and perhaps a good chance at liberation.

It seems there is a tough decision that will require some serious thought. The Government is currently doing the research, but once the tournament begins, it will be the indication we need. Until then, we wait.

Prime Minister

The eAustralian National Library

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