[EA] Krakken For CP

Day 3,271, 17:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!
It's time for some change! Krakken is running for CP, and we at Eire Aonair hope that he'll finally win! Last time he ran, which was before the April Rising, it was close. Krakken has published several articles outlining his plan for Eire, and although he wants to shake things up and get rid of complacency, he wishes to continue, of course, the major foundations of eIrish society: the Commune, the Military Dictatorship, etc.
On another note, we hope that the election tomorrow will be fun for all parties. Good Luck Chance! Thank you for (hopefully) reading this short text. Whoever you support, be sure to vote on the 5th!

Your PP,
Trito Fisher