[Dublin Commune] Sign-Ups for February!

Day 3,334, 14:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,

In eIreland we do not operate a congress but instead operate the Dublin Commune which is an open discussion platform for all eIrish citizens interested in eIrish affairs. This is DIRECT democracy. One Citizen = One Vote. Not signing up gives you less of a voice in our republic. This month, we've had over 450 messages among our citizens!

Any citizen can apply to join should they be willing to provide constructive feedback and refrain from trolling behavior.

If you wish to get involved and have an input to the running of your eCountry, please comment your interest below.

Citizens in the Commune So Far:
1. Trito Fisher
2. Fitisin
3. Fritzhill2
4. HardcoreMaster1950
5. Fenoglioteam
6. Katiaa
7. Punistick
8. Sluagh
9. Hexshade
10. David Allenkey
11. KeetnaWilson
12. BiednyMis
13. moomoohead
14. Don Croata
15. eastbhoy
16. LittleFishy
17. Winston Hope Smith
18. Armanych
19. Flaco Jimenez
20. Sweet Drinker
21. Machiavelli
22. Technician
23. TO413
24. TrendoReborn
25. ReleasetheKrakken
26. Denseire
27. Ian Arb
28. thedillpickl
29. OliverQ
Ireland is a country with:

55% food bonuses
70% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
Come join us!