[DoI] In Preperation

Day 2,068, 04:22 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

The government have been working extremely hard on the upcoming battles against eIndonesia lately and are almost ready to begin. The government has an elaborate battle plan and will advise citizens how to act in the upcoming liberation shortly.

Centrelink is a government orginised program helping new players grow and introduce them to the austrailian community. Centrelink is a scheme created to reward you for completing basic tasks in the game and also give you a friendly nudge to help you become part of our growing community. The tasks are amazingly basic and the rewards for completing them are very generous and there are no catches. All you do is contact either of your Centrelink directors - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise and you will be sent your supplies. Each task completed will see you receive 200 Q4 health and 5 Q7 tanks.
We have had a baby boom and are making sure the new players are well educated which will help with the War effort.
For more information open the link below or copy and paste it into your browser

In preperation for the liberation we have many MPP’s with strong country’s including Hungry, Lithuania and Bolivia. Our International relations are improving and will help out with the war effort in time. We are MPPing with TWO country’s and futher intergrating ourselves with TWO. TWO is more than willing to lend a hand in the upcoming liberation.

War is coming to Australia and we need you all to contribute where you can it cannot be stressed enough that all citizens should begin stockpiling at this time.
A few words of inspiration:
Gentlemen, at times like these our capacity to retaliate must be and has to be massive to deter all forms of aggression.
Take up arms and begin stockpiling all supplies
Gentlemen, lock and load

The eAustralian National Library

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