[DoE] TWO Brothers.

Day 2,043, 09:22 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Hello Australian Citizens,

Your DoE here talking today about our new Alliance: "The World is Ours" AKA: "TWO".
It has now been a few days since we left our friends in NaN and become a member of ACT (Associate Countries of TWO)and hopefully you feel that we have settled in well and have found an alliance that suits our needs.

In recent days we have cleared our land of the Chilean occupiers gained two more regions in doing so, thus giving us 30 congress seats for the 25th. along with this, our regional neighbours New Zealand have left CoT and joined us in TWO. This in turn stops Chile from using New Zealand as a land bridge to retake our land! However, Chile is capable of an air strike, so don't put your shotguns down yet!

An Overview of TWO:

Alliance HQ:
Secretary General: mittekemuis; Deputy Secretary General: aVie
Supreme Commander: akashapeke; Deputy Supreme Commander: Soulcraft
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: mininuns ; Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs😒hiranui 94


I hope that we shall not forget our allies in NaN, the friends we made, and the victories that we won!
However, joining TWO has given us new allies and a chance to create new bonds of brother hood. We now have more MPPs and may, in time, be able to over thrown our occupiers!

Your MoE.
If you would like to help our team or have suggestions of articles contact us here.

Hail Australia!
Hail TWO!
Hail Scottty the Nuke and CyberCasper who, after much aid to our nation, have decided to leave eRepublik! o7

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