[Dept of Information] Cabinet Report day 1962

Day 1,962, 07:06 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Cabinet Reports

It's getting harder to get these very Ministers to sit down and write an update for this Org to print. I know that all of our Ministers are quite busy, but it's hard to catch them as they zoom past in their skates.

That cat on the right is Draim after too much coffee..

Reximus has gone AWOL due to RL (apparently).

Department of Immigration
Report by Arthur Cole

Arthur Cole was much too lazy busy to make a report this time.

Department of Finance
Report submitted by Venja

Well it maybe surprising but I have nothing worthy to report.

I had zero input for the budget. So I drafted one myself and got minimal feedback.

I have had zero input from other ministers on funding requests or other issues. So I just been doing what I think is best, which is mostly nothing except watching account balances and generally keeping an eye on our finances.

Likewise I have had zero requests from Chief of Staff other than make submissions for an article. You can report that I have received and responded to such submissions if you like.

The PM requested extra war funds which was approved by senate and has been taken from RBA and now sits in Dod. DoD now holds lots of cash.

Sorry if I sound downbeat but quite simply there is nothing here worthy of public report in my view.

Thats about the whole month.

Department of Defence
Report by Valentyme

Previously we reported that we were working on fixing the ADF and AAFA as well as building a better structure with AMUA, however due to the gold mine competition and lack of staff I was forced to put those projects on hold.

Currently I have been working with DSW and Mossad MUs in order to make sure Australia wins the gold mine. We are working on a defense plan that will make sure that we can use the gold mine to our benefit whether or not we are the ones who are mining it or not. We have brought in about 50+ members total this month which has given both our D3 and D4 divisions a considerable damage boost. We will take full advantage of this when we got about liberating our regions. I would like to say thanks to Bubo aka Lone Wolf who has been instrumental in organizing fighters coming in as well as helping us to win regions for congress.

Lastly I would just like to say that the DoD worked very hard this month with the CP in order to make sure we would have a congress and as you all know we were successful

Department of Foreign Affairs

Submitted by Xavier Griffith

Members of the Department are still looking for Nations that are prepared to MPP with us, but also being careful that those MPPs wont conflict with NaN members making applications at the present moment.

Where possible Ministers are talking about both MPP and NaN membership. Hopefully this will gain us more than just MPPs but a bigger and better Alliance.

It has been noted that the Alliance is now registered in game however looking at Battles it still shows us as being Neutral instead of part of NaN which may need to be addressed by the CPs of Australia and ZA.

XG, doing meets and greets with allies:

Department of Information/Chief of Staff

Submitted by Binda33

It's been extremely challenging to get Ministers to write up their reports for me to get out to the public in a timely fashion. This is a shame because I know that the Departments are working well and actually doing things, not just sitting on their behinds as some Governments are wont to do.

We've had a few members of staff go AWOL and I'm not sure what happened there, but they have been removed from the Cabinet, apart from Rex, who we are still searching for. If anyone finds a lost Minister for Education, please return him to Draim thanks.

I've also been playing too much Runescape

Chief of Staff/Minister for Information

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