(DEPI) Q's from the public

Day 2,157, 13:38 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

For about a week now I have been asking a few members of the general public asking if they want to ask the government some questions so that communication will extend beyond just articles. But most questions (all 🙁 ) I got the ministers to answer. Unfortunately in this article I will only be posting 3 Q and A's as most people did not respond to the PM's I sent out and also most questions were similar. so here goes

I just noticed that eArgentina occupies Northen eNew Zealand. I thought eArgentina was our ally? Or is this purely a strategic thing?

ex minister of defense Pat McCrutch response
Argentina is indeed a very close ally of Australia and New Zealand. Our regions were originally held by our enemies the Republic of Macedonia, to help us out Argentina attacked Macedonia, this also distracted them so that we could attack at the same time and get rid of Macedonia from our area. Now Argentina are simply looking after New Zealands regions for safe-keeping until their war with Chile finishes. 🙂

Where is the money that the government is making off the extra tax (workers tax) and also the money that is being saved from not supplying D3 & D4 in the ADF. Where is it going? What are we spending it on? Why is there not a newsletter that lets citizens know where there money is going. I know defence reports come out whenever battle orders change, thats great and needed. But why do we not get 1 newsletter per term on how our finance minister/ President decides what our taxes going on.

minister of finance Infin response
There are 2 reports each term: called the budget and end of term report. these are posted on the forum. in recent times, the last 12 months, the amount of taxes collected has been far outstripped by spending on australian soldiers and MPPs and Australia have been living of its vast accumulated reserves.

For example last month tax income was just under $100,000, MPPs were $100,000 and ADF was $35,000 and Mercenaries were $230,000. The amount of money saved from not supplying D3 and D4 and is trivial compared to the amounts spent in other areas as you can see.

Q.3 probably should have been answered by minister of defense but he was seemingly busy so this one was answered by minister of foreign affairs nicky6fingers

how will the Government keep eindo from attacking eAus again, just with TWO?

I thought Indonesia had COT on their side

Minister of foreign affairs nicky6fingers
Well...don't undersell TWO like that...but in essence yes while TWO backs us Indo will never win therefor shouldn't attack us

there you have it! Allot of those questions were well rounded so I hope it answered more than just their questions. Although there was not many questions today I hope to make this a fairly regular thing so that communication will thrive. If you do have any questions just PM me