[DEPI] Prime Minister expands Operation Aurora Australis

Day 2,155, 20:56 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Prime Minister Mick Gatto has authorised a change to supply levels in the OAA Charter to reflect the minimum standard of supply that currently exists in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

The change was made following an Executive decision on a brief received from the Marshal's office.

Prime Minister Gatto said that the policy change was necessary.

"The intent was there to encourage Division 1 and low strength players to aspire to a higher level and qualify for more supplies. Statistically there is a very mixed bag of evidence on whether higher supplies in the initial stages of play are an encouragement to progress to higher levels and strength", he said.

"One of my goals as a direct result of OAA is to build our national fighting force at the same time we address the nation's fighting tools overall".

"After consideration and discussion with military minds I accept that there is a beneficial gain to increasing supply levels".

The prime minister paid tribute to Marshal Claire Louise for her strong negotiating and debating skills.

"Our new Marshal is a hard act to follow. She is capable of making a case based on evidence and detail and this is the kind of talent I am proud to have in positions of public interest. I was convinced based on the strength of the argument Marshal Louise made".

"There is also another positive outcome. OAA minimum levels are now locked-in-step with the ADF's supply levels. In return we see eye-to-eye on one system - no double-dipping from MUs as per the continued policy of the previous Flatty Government and a stronger national defence".

The change is referenced in Charter 3 a) ii) Department of Defence and National Supply (DoDaNS) OSL Supply

WHEREAS it states:

av) Div 1 (no minimum) - 6 wp, 10 fd (all Q7)


av) Div 1 (no minimum) - 8 wp, 10 fd (all Q7).

The new changes are effective of day change 2156 supply call.

This is Lord Braddy for the eAustralian Government
Department of Education and Public Information (DEPI)

Operation Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) is in effect

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