[Department of Information] Party President Elections!

Day 1,821, 18:25 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

It’s been another fantastic week in Australia and that always has to come with a fantastic department of information update on your government and it’s proceedings.

Party President Elections, ATO

Due to last month’s PTO threat of foreign citizens and their intents to gain leadership in the top five parties (which did succeed last month shortly) we’d like to ensure we’re taking proper ATO efforts for these elections. Party members, please hold your votes until they very last minute you can! Vote for a known Australian candidate and if you’re unsure of who to vote for or who isn’t a PTO please message a member from government, be it Ranger Bob, Irule777 or friends. These people will provide you with a list of candidates that are safe to vote for and allow you to make your own decisions from there.

Please remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

You can also feel free to jump on IRC in #ausrep and ask about voting there as well if you’re still unsure. Plenty of people would be happy to assist.


The Australian Centrelink program has returned! This program will allow New citizens to be handed out 8 Q5 Food and 5 Q4 Weapons daily for two full weeks, if further assistance is needed then arrangements can be made. This program’s objective is to help new players get more involved in the game, community, and advance through their levels and ranks even faster than before!

How do you get involved in Centrelink? It’s easy! Come check out this short instructive article and watch out for more to come: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ecentrelink-health-program-2156114/1/20

Centrelink is an important program for you newer players to get involved in and can help you wildly in advancing through this game. Take advantage of it while it’s still offered!


Interested in learning about this month's budget and seeing how much the government will be spending? Check out the full report by President Ranger Bob here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-november-2012-budget--2157119/1/20

Department of Information
Minister: Irule777
Deputy Minister: Molly Jo

(More Articles to come soon, just wanted to make sure something was out on the ATO!)