[Department of Information] Cabinet Reports!

Day 1,894, 17:20 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Cabinet Reports
A quick update from your government, it's cabinet, and all it's workings as of recently. This is a bit late due to the Australian Media, we've been having technical difficulties but we expect to release another edition tomorrow so stay tuned!

Regional Foreign Affairs - Binda33

I've been speaking to Indonesian officials daily as they expressed an interest in having Western Australia. WA is a duplicate resource we can do without, however while we have so few states available we do need it for Senate elections or we're unable to field many Senators. We offered a deal to Indo for doing either a land swap or for them to pay rent for WA with them returning it each election. A land swap would be beneficial to both nations as we'd both gain from the deal. As we are looking to join CoT, it would also help bring us closer to a potential ally.

Since we have offered our terms, Indo have been consulting with their Senate and are in the process of asking their citizens which of the options they would like to take. The only other option for them would be to war us and take it by force, but this would strain things with other CoT allies, a few of which we have MPPs with, meaning that Indonesia would lose those MPPs if they declared NE on us.

While the Indo situation is not resolved, other CoT nations are unwilling to MPP us, which is a bit inconvenient. I'm hoping the situation with Indo will be resolved soon so our MPP stack can be added to.

For new players that are unaware, an MPP is a Mutual Protection Pact, meaning that when two nations sign one, they can fight in each others battles without having to move to do so.

The Dept of Foreign Affairs now have our own Org and newspaper, so we will be using that to put in information such as Cabinet lists for other Countries to view.

Louise Brooks has joined the DoFA team and is doing a great job in her new role of Media Watch.

Europe Foreign Affairs - Argi

I have sent a message to each European country in order to present our cabinet and say hello.Most of the Europeans replied and sent me their cabinet list.

Currently I am trying to find any possible information which could be useful to us. Furthermore I am willing to improve my connections with other countries

American Foreign Affairs - Majester

Australia's focus has been on Chile, Indonesia and CoT with some dallying with other allies.

The month began with the second region return, Western Australia. Matters were immediately complicated by Indonesia demanding Western Australia. While Australia is prepared to trade WA for another region (to increase Senate seats), Indonesia's response was an offer of 30k followed by a NE stand-off. Indonesia backed off when Australia did not rise to the bait and they were informed that they were in contravention of the CoT Charter because they threatened a country in a treaty with a member without requesting permission. Australia's regard for CoT was greatly enhanced with this display of a calm hand enforcing their rules evenly. Indonesia are currently in referendum trying to determine how they will proceed with Australia, hampering our ability to sign more CoT MPPs as demanded by the Treaty. Both CoT and TWO have volunteered to mediate a Australo-Indonesian agreement.

Chile and Australia met to review the treaty during the Indonesian affair where Chile declined to modify the Treaty. Chile started the month dominating Argentina which bode well for Australia receiving more regions back. However, Chile's gains in their war with Argentina were rapidly reversed after they took Mesopotamia (which meant the return of Victoria), and was followed by an EDEN-style blitz on Otago and Tasmania. Tasmania was lost, creating a crises since the Treaty has no stipulations on the return of illegally lost regions other than giving Chile the right to retake them and absolving Australia of reasonable liability. The never-ending war with Argentina complicates a Chile NE on Australia, and Australia was expressly forbidden from NEing Chile until the 15th. Even though Australia may now NE Chile to aid the return; there is no agreement on reimbursing the cost of MPPs to a country who's economy has been ravaged by occupation. This is a matter we hope to resolve before the next Treaty renewal date.

Our deposit with Chile was due to return on the 15th. Brazil at first deferred to Chile, but stepped up to honour the Treaty when the matter was raised with all three guarantors CoT, USA and Brazil. The transfer was unfortunately delayed until the 21st because of an internal security fumble, but it is now finally returned.

The current Treaty dispute deals with the return of NSW by the 20th. CoT started a RW in SA for strategic reasons, and requested that Australia accept the region's return in NSW's stead. Australia agreed in principal, but Chile did not reply, thus voiding the offer. The Treaty requires both parties to agree to any changes. As matters currently stand, Chile are in breech of the Treaty because they failed to agree to modify the region returned and having failed to return NSW by the due date. Australia understands that there is a 48 hour cool-off period when RW are lost, and expects Chile to correct this oversight at the earliest opportunity.

CoT: CoT is currently ascendant with numerous enquiries for membership. The USA are finally in trial membership of CoT and look to succeed. CoT are currently reviewing membership procedures at the request of Indonesia and discussing their alignment to other alliances.

Allies: Co-operation has increased with the UK in their war on Norway (with the not totally unexpected Canadian retribution). Australian support between South African and Chilean commitments has helped make an impact.
South Africa are involved in a training war gone wrong with Uruguay. Australia have participated because we were asked, but also because the war is acting as a significant drain on Argentinian aggression by diverting Uruguayan support. Their MPP stack is starting to move pro-CoT.
India have begun the process of joining CoT after a rough month of abuse by Croatia.

Defence - Arfman

The Department of Defence, under the Leonora Minister of Defence, Arfman, has worked to enforce the military side of the Treaty with Chile. We have ensured that the Treaty is not broken, and we have sent troops to fight pesky Argentinians who want to harm Australian-Chilean relationships.

The Department has worked closely with the ADF and Military Unit Committee, chaired by Commissioner Infin. Members of the Department have all given their input and ideas forward for the success of the Commission.

We have informed the Civilian population, and worked with the ADF to ensure that our brave warriors are fighting in the battles most dear and important to our hearts by issuing Battle Orders.

We have dealt with the military preparations of the impending attack on Australian freedom by Indonesia. We have worked to have the most effective MPP stack that will not only allow us a pro-CoT position, but also a way to deal with future threats to our Safety.

Security - Arthur Cole
Trying to communicate with French individuals and fapping.

Immigration in a country nobody wants to is a hard life. Detroit has been a very busy lad with eGov, I'm sure he will tell you all about it.

^ As you can expect, this brought up an interesting cabinet discussion... we don't need to go into details.

Human Services - Arcaian

I have been the Minister of the DHS since the start of the cabinet term, and we have accomplished many things in this time. We have started up Centrelink again (now its own department!), and it has been supplying and contacting new players - all new players that have joined this term have been mailed. There also has been extensive work on the new player library:

This is a new initiative, that is gathering all the available information written and published in eAus in the past - articles, the Help and Information subforum, the old babyinfo.auserepublik.com website and any other place we can think of. We have migrated almost all the old information to the new website (the only exception being tutorials from the Help and Information board that we think need work) and have written at least 8 new articles for the website. We have also been restarted the Ministry of Culture and its Ministry of Education newspaper, and are now publishing articles from an official eAus Government organisation.

Finance - Venja

The Cabinet budget was submitted on the 10th and was discussed by Senate and the put to a vote. The Budget proposal was carried 5 votes in favour, 0 against and was thus approved.

Comments on the Economy

During the bot buying period excess production was absorbed but in the process Plato injected huge quantities of currency into the economy - mainly held by country treasuries. In the absence of the bot both individual wage income and country tax incomes have been hit hard and countries are drawing down on their reserves.

Both the Australian and world economies are now in sharp price deflation. This is affecting all raws/food/weapons as well as wages. Because the rate of deflation is quite rapid, it is causing some consternation particularly as wages tumble every few days even though everything is cheaper to buy. The on flow is that government tax take is also declining quickly.

Tax for the first 15 days was 20,659 AUD (1,377/day) so its apparent we will struggle to achieve budget.- no word from Plato as yet.

Centrelink - Vyrin

Progress report for 15 days:

- Restarted Centrelink as an active organization for player support.
- Donations campaign for Centrelink has raised $5,000. Cash balance is up from 26848 to 30327 more than covering cost of donations paid out.
- Supported 12 new players through Centrelink so far.
- Have PM'd 80 recently joined eRep players, regularly checking egov to gauge player participation and tracking actives.
- Restarted Centrelink news posting, and keeping new player tutorial up-to-date and in news.
- Responding to new players in all the communication venues.

Other things include writing my own articles, learning about the government through investing time reading the fora.

I expect to get more active on the DHS website soon.

Minister of Information: Irule777