[DemNL] CP elections

Day 4,063, 22:30 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of the eNetherlands,

as Party President of Democratisch Nederland, it is my duty to shortly comment the currently ongoing CP elections.

Last month, we have supported ElGorro (ReL) as a President, and I personally believe he did his job well enough, and he deserves to continue for one more month to finish up his plans and tie loose ends. Of course, as member of the government, I might sound biased, but I hope you share my opinion as well. Overall, his ideas of "Bananas", "DAFavatar" and "extra TFD spending" certainly worked better I expected and I believe finding ways to give advantage to people, who represent our nation with DAFavatars (I have one idea myself, which I plan to present) or finding ideas for more special rewards in TFD will be interesting challenge for future governments as well.

This month, we face the exact same situation as last month - both candidates from last elections are running again (and just as last month, only one of them is serious about the whole thing). Sure, it might start to sound a bit monotone, and I hope we will see new faces as candidates for CP in following elections - preferably DemNL ones, of course, we have plenty of people here, who would deserve such an honor for their life-time contributions to Netherlands. But one needs to also take into consideration the fact of holidays (our Congress itself seems to be on holidays, might have to awaken it with some of my favourite tax topics soon 😛 ), and also the fact that the current CP is a good CP, and therefore it is natural for him to go for another term. And one more month of ElGorro presidency will certainly end up being good for Netherlands.

And that is why we again support ElGorro as our presidential candidate in this race.

So do not forget to vote in CP elections!

Yours sincerely,

Janty F
Party President of Democratisch Nederland