[DemNL] Congress elections

Day 4,052, 22:45 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of the eNetherlands,

as usual, the Congress elections are incoming on 25th, and as usual, this is the time, when most people in this country celebrate Christmas with their friends and family, enjoy holidays (ideally with plenty of snow around, though that is more difficult to achieve each year, thanks global warming!) and therefore they do not have time to spend in online games.

Regardless of that, the game does not stop - government still needs to function, Congress still needs to vote on proposal and parties need to submit candidates for Congress. And so did we. Last month, we have been celebrating some success, as we have proposed several proposals, which ended up accepted (like the changes in SCI protocol or introduction of in-game voting). Unfortunately, other things did not end up according to our wishes - despite 14 YES votes and only 5 NO votes, the changes of Constitution were not accepted (cheers to the system, where opinion of 73,5% majority does not matter - thanks, Obama!) and we also had to accept the resignation of our long-time Keykeeper and one of the best people both in this party and in this country, Willem the Conqueror. Thank you for you service, Willem, it will not be forgotten!

Either way, let's present our Congress candidates, who will continue to serve this nation in its best interest. This month, we have been aiming at mix of current active Congress members and some returning faces, who we want to engage again in our political module. So without further ado, let's look at the candidates:

So do not forget to vote in Congress elections - and please support the best party around, Democratisch Nederland!

Yours sincerely,

Janty F
Party President of Democratisch Nederland