[CP] Dream. Hope. Vote Miyagiyoda.

Day 2,024, 05:50 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

One nation
One people
One vision

South Africa is a small country by any standard. South Africa is also a secure country because of the Brazil rental agreement. We have two options:

1. We can remain as were are. Free to fight where we choose. Free of any real consequences other than upsetting Brazil. We can enjoy the view from the gilded cage we have built ourselves.

Unfortunately its seems very difficult to have a clear view of the world and not adopt some of their habits. We seem to accept new citizens to grow, but then re-create local versions of international battles. This insanity is driven by the insanity caused by isolation.

2. We can push the boundaries. We can make a point of stretching internationally with the knowledge that it could go wrong. Not so wrong its all broken, but enough to get the blood pumping, focus our thinking, and experience adventure.

This option involves work and some risks. It means we need to stand for something instead of apart from everything. It means we need to make choices and stick to them. It means we need to stick our necks out and live with the consequences. It means we get to live life again.

I am not insane enough to say throw it all out now. What I am saying is let's start pushing our boundaries. The cage can always be there if we want back in.

It is only when we are challenged that we are our best.
It is only when we are challenged that we unite as a people.
It is only when we are challenged that we are worthy.

Let's make South Africa interesting. Let us become a beacon for people with some of our kind of crazy to rally around. A new home in the world away from the mundane and filled with opportunity.


Take the leap. Embrace the future. Its a revolution, baby.

Amandla, Awethu. Power to the people.

TL😉R Applications for my June cabinet are still open to all who want to work for a new dispensation in South Africa. We have work to do to kick-start South Africa before the world changes irrevocably.