[CP] Bosnian Friends are Leaving

Day 3,371, 14:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,

I am writing this article to inform everyone that Bosnia will be leaving us. They have found another country to stay at while Serbia occupies their home territories.
The Bosnian CP has told me of their respect for eIreland in helping a friend have congress.

Bosnia has NE'd us to make their AS cheaper (more MPPs makes for a expensive AS!). We are to win the current battle and then conquer their territory here.
We will be continuing our TW with Albania, we win RW's, Albania wins direct wars.

Anthony Colby, our MoC, is working on a recruitment article to be published overseas. When he publishes it, be sure to vote it up in order to increase publicity.

Right now, I am actively working on introducing subsidies. Stay tuned!
Thank you,