[Congress elections] First look

Day 3,993, 02:29 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

welcome in the news broadcast, where we will bring you the first look at the results of Congressional elections, and try to bring some totally un-biased opinion*. With that said - this broadcast is sponsored by Home Food Company - a company, which brings you the best food in the Dutch market**.

* as much as happy DemNL member can be
** unless someone else is selling, in which case their food is probably better

The motto of these elections can probably be:

Reactionism and populism rejected, comeback of smaller parties. DemNL confirmed as the main political force.

Based on the results, the experts (consulted by Janty F) believe the Congress will look as following:
7 DemNL
5 I&W
3 VN

In comparison with last elections, 8 more votes appeared in Netherlands, and all parties managed to capitalize on that - except ReL. The self-proclaimed Guardians of Revolution suffered a setback, when they did not manage to improve their result from last elections, and there is a possibility they will even lose one Congress seat. Certainly a hard pill to swallow for their ambitious PP and vPP duo, who will have to think about the possible change of their political strategy.

Another loser of these elections is I&W. Even though they managed to squeeze in one extra vote, they will also lose a seat in the Congress. It is clear their reactionary views are not popular in Netherlands, and the never changing party leadership together with never changing names of Congress candidates shows the party might not be the ideal choice for newer players, who want to experience Dutch politics. Will we see more in-game activity from I&W members, or some change in their thinking, which would bring them closer to the public? It would certainly be a good option to try...

Huge comeback for both of VN and GPN, who are returning to the Congress in full force to change this country for the better. The candidacy of the legendary Weekstrom himself (and it seems he will manage to claim his Congress seat) certainly shows that VN is going to make a huge impact on our political scene, and the nominacy of "forum-existing" candidates from both VN and GPN shows they are ready to make that impact even despite their relations to Forum. It will certainly be interesting to see, how well they will fare during this month.

And in the end - the winner of elections, DemNL. DemNL managed to gather some extra votes, and they will claim 7 Congress seats, just as they did last time, before they gave up one of them for their CP candidate. This time however, they learned from this mistake, and the name of their CP candidate is already known to the public. Together with holding CoC position, DemNL is certainly looking strong, which will help them in pushing through the major reforms. However, the addition of some new faces into their Congress member mix might spice things up, so it will be interesting to follow them as well.

And that is all from our election broadcast. We plan to bring you more political info soon, once the results get confirmed and all Congress members will get to their work.

Janty F