[Chess] Chess Tournament Update!

Day 2,797, 17:07 Published in USA USA by Yui MHCP001

Remember Senryaku's article that detailed the Chess Tournament?

Yeah, me neither. That's why I'm writing this article to remind you all!

The sign ups for the Tournament are still going on! Sign up HERE. Remember, this isn't limited to AMP, nor is it limited to the eUSA!

Sign ups will close on Wednesday, July 22nd, and the brackets will be generated and released on Thursday, July 23rd.

The rules for the tournament can be read either HERE or at Senryaku's article, which was linked in the first sentence of this article.

Prizes currently are as follows;
1st - 9k CC, 25g
2nd - 6k CC, 10g
3rd - 3k CC, 5g
4th - 2.1k CC
5th - 1.1k CC

And since people don't like an article without a picture or two, here ya go: