[ADB] Albanian Defense Brigade Is Recruiting

Day 1,920, 08:25 Published in USA Germany by Edelmann

This article was penned by Maxx Johnson it is being posted in the eUS for better exposure.

Greetings Friends!

I am proud today to announce the formation of a new military unit. The Albanian Defense Brigade.

What is the Albanian Defense Brigade?
The ADB is a mobile force based out of Albania who fights in defense of Albania and her Allies. The ADB maintains a tight-knit community, dedicated to brotherhood and trust, that is capable of aiding her friends, and taking the fight to her enemies.

- The Albanian Defense Brigade is an International MU. Members of all nations (in-game or real life) are accepted.
- Members of the ADB will receive a daily supply of 10 q7 tanks, as well as any deployment costs needed for MU priorities. Additional weapons will be made available for important battles.

- A medium to high level of activity is required. You must be able to check into the game several times per day to hit at a time when MU priorities need influence.
- IRC use is highly recommended, as is idling in the MU chatroom.
- Must be willing to fight in MU ordered battles, and be willing to deploy to fight in mobile battles as needed
- Must be willing to join the in-game MU
- Must be willing to work in an MU-run commune company
- At this time we are looking for D4 fighters. However, if you have experience with an in-game military (you were a member of a USAF Branch for example), we will take that experience into account.

If you are interested in joining us; Apply here

Questions, Comments, Concerns
If you have questions, you can stop by #adb-public on IRC

For shouting:

[ADB] Albanian Defense Brigade Is Recruiting...