Well done, Serbia! [a screenshot added]

Day 2,079, 04:20 Published in Serbia Bulgaria by Krum III

While Serbia is on the verge of deletion, after losing all of its colonies and half of their original regions, her new “friends” Romania, Greece and Argentina are fighting Bulgaria in South America.

Several days ago, Serbia was on its knees before BiH, Montenegro, Croatia and France and instead of providing help, her new “friend” – Argentina, declared Bulgaria as NE in South America.

Not that Bulgaria had attacked Serbia, not that Bulgaria was even in Europe as a bordering country, not that Bulgaria was in the coalition (Asian alliance, led by Croatia and Turkey) aimed at the destruction of Serbia. It was just that Argentina looked after herself only – more bonuses and less danger around its own borders.

For the last several days, while Serbia has been under attack from all sides, instead of providing help, her new “friend” – Romania started to expand southwards helped by her old friend Turkey (look at teh map again), at the expense of Bulgaria. Old hate never expires. It was much more important for Romania to take revenge against Bulgaria than to help a new friend Serbia.

Let’s not forget the biggest and most arrogant Serbian “ally” – Greece. Instead of helping Serbia, they preferred to fight Chile in the battle for Sofia to prevent the recovery of Macedonia – a country that has never been hostile to Serbia. The same Greece who wanted to kick TWO-founding member Spain from the alliance.

Greek "pride" while Serbia was fighting critical battle against Croatia:

Screenshot by: nachoestrella

Yeah, they fight that much only AGAINST Bulgaria and Macedonia and FOR noone else. Such a big complex against these two countries.

All this leads to the conclusion that it was not Serbia who used Romania, Greece and Argentina to strengthen TWO, but it was Romania, Greece and Argentina who used Serbia to fight more successfully against Bulgaria and Chile.

I am not going to analyse Serbian puppet Hungary whose empire didn't shrink even with one useless region while master Serbia was being humiliated so badly.

Do not forget that while there was CoTWO, Serbia was not even threatened by anyone with a chance to succeed.

Well done Serbia, your foreign policy and ability to chose allies deserves admiration!

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