War with Serbia !

Day 792, 12:14 Published in Romania Romania by deus otiosus

Official orders here

Fight against Serbia in Sofia, do not fight in the RW in Ruse! (opened by Donnie Bronco, who also opened the RW in Alpes Azur against Poland).
The former Hungarian president, Feherlofia Koppany, is leading the Serbian attack. The Hungarians are asking their citizens to move to Serbia and stay there, to fight against Romania.
One to one fight with Serbia, let's see who's the best ! (I'd love to see Bulgarian citizens fighting against Serbia...).
On the other hand, this attack will 1) help grow the Romanian babies, born in the past days; 2) improve the weapons market (increase the prices, as they fell over the past days, with visible effects on the economy), 3) stop the highly unproductive discussions in the Romanian community on the opportunity to attack Turkey (see the comments here). So, thank you, Serbia!

LE: we should use this battle to educate our babies, I have already sent messages to thse fighting in the RW in Ruse about the official orders and so on, do it also (anyway, how about Romanian FMs, fighting in the RW?).
Ar trebui sa utilizam lupta aceasta (si nu numai, ci de fiecare data cand se da anapoda in lupte false) pentru a-i educa pe pruncii care lupta aiurea..daca la fiecare lupat, explicam catorva zeci de nou-veniti ce sunt ordinele oficiale si cum s elupta, nu avem decat de castigat ! Curaj, trimiteti PM celor care lupta aiurea in RW (pe FM romanii ii lasam deoparte, merita si ei o medalie, saracii)!
Copy acest mesaj (se poate modifica) si trimiteti-l celor care lupta in RW-ul din Ruse:

dupa cum observi, Romania este implicata in acest moment in doua lupte: un atac sarbesc in Sofia si un razboi de independenta in ruse. Ordinele oficiale cer sa luptam impotriva Serbiei, nu in RW, asta deoarece scopul atactorilor este sa ne ia Sofia, nu sa elibereze neaparat Ruse (aceasta ultima lupta are rolul de a ne risipi damage-ul si a face mai usoara misiunea adversarilor nostrii). Ordinele oficiale le gasesti in ziarul Ministerului Apararii, intr-un articol aflat de obicei in primele 5 din Romania. Data viitoare, lupta cu cap si ajuta Romania !