V2 economy [Ro/En]

Day 831, 20:24 Published in Romania Romania by deus otiosus

Toata lumea asteapta cu nerabdare noul modul economic, dar trebuie sa ne si pregatim pentru el. probabil ce amai importnata schimbare va fi aceasta, citez "... a company will need several types of employees who work as a team to create the final product...", adica "...o firma va avea nevoie de mai multe categorii de angajati, care vor lucra in echipa pentru a crea produsul finit...".

In prezent, o firma de manufacturing are 10 angajati care produc arme, de exemplu. Ce se va (putea) intampla cand va fi inmplementat V2? Anagajatii vor putea lege sa fie 1) Engineers, 2) Mechanics, 3) Fitters sau 4) Technicians. Adica va puteti trezi ca aveti in firma doar ingineri, sau doar mecanici etc; sau va va lipsi una din cele 4 meserii si ca urmare nu puteti produce arme. Sau, in functie de skill-ul angajatului, veti avea zeci de arme, produse de primele 3 categorii si nu veti avea munitie, produsa de ultima. Aceste aspecte sunt importnae pentru unitatile care au firme de arme si care pot ajunge in situatia de a nu avea cu ce isi echipa soldatii. Va ganditi singuri ce inseamna asta in caz de razboi….

Ce se poate face:

1. Discutati cu angajatii vostri, astfel incat la lansarea V2, sa stie fiecare ce meserie isi va alege.
2. Stabiliti aceste meserii si in functie de skill, de exemplu daca ve aveti un inginer cu skill 7, puteti avea 3-4 tehnicieni cu skill 2-3; ideea este de a avea o productie echilibrata a tuturor elementelor necesare pentru produsul finit.
3. Faceti stocuri care sa va asigure supravietuirea financiara pana se "aseaza" lucrurile.
4. In nici un caz nu stati cu mainile in san si apoi la lansare v2 concediati pe toti si o luati de la capat, asta va trimite o unda de soc puternica in economie.

Succes si ganditi-va ca actiunile individiuale ale managerilor se rasfrang asupra starii generale a natiunii si ne putem trezi in situatia de a avea economia la pamant pentru o lunga perioada de timp!

English version

Everyone is looking forward to the new economic mode, but we have to prepare for it. Probably the most important change will be "... a company will need several types of employees who work as a team to create the final product…".

Currently, a manufacturing company has 10 employees, producing weapons, for example. What will (can) happen in V2? The employees will be 1) Engineers, 2) Mechanics, 3) Fitters and 4) Technicians. Thus, you might have a company only with engineers, mechanics and so on; basically, you won’t be able to produce weapons. Or, depending on the employee's skill, you’ll have dozens of weapons; produced by the first 3 categories and you will not have ammunition, produced by the last. These issues are important for units with weapons companies, who can get in the situation of not being able to arm their people. Guess what this means in case of war….

What to do:

1. Talk to your employees, so at the launch of V2, they’ll know what job to choose.
2. Set these jobs according to the employees’ respective skill, for example, if you’ll have an engineer with skill 7, you can have 3-4 technicians with skills 2-3; the idea is to have a balanced production of the necessary elements for the finished product.
3. Make stocks, just to ensure a smooth transition, so that you won’t run out of cash.
4. Don’t just sit and wait, and then at the launch of V2 fire everybody and start over again, it will send a powerful shock wave in the economy.

Good luck and think that the actions of individual managers determine the course of the national economy, and nobody wants to have the economy down for a long time!