Running For Congress And What It Means To You

Day 2,982, 18:38 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

i wanted to write this article to remind all Israeli's that congress election time is coming up. I would hope that all citizens that plan on being active do run for office.

Want a say so in what goes on in government? Want to make a difference? Here is your chance!

I urge the candidates to write articles to persuade their party leaders to put them at the top of the list.

Also this congress is expected to be active we will be opening a new chatroom shortly for you guys to join. However, at first things will be done through the PM threads.

Once again this congress will be expected to be active. If a congress member does not seem to be active nor participates in the congressional discussions and voting he/she will not be invited to participate if elected next term.

I hope to see everyone that wants to help Israel and participate in her future to run for office. I also hope to see all of you at the polls.

Until next time.