Prince for President of eCanada(1,163)

Day 1,163, 20:12 Published in Canada USA by Prince A.Joseph

I want to let everyone know that I’m running for president this term, the reason why I decide to run is because I’m reading what the other candidate platform/ speech but they are not looking at the bigger picture it does not matter how good you’re idea sound, it will not work the reason why is because eCanada does not have structure. I believe everyone can agree with me on this. We all know what happen this term, we need to stop pointing finger at each other and try to fix the problem. It’s easy to point the finger but it hard to fix the issue. As a president my plan is to bring structure, yes I could tell everyone I will fix whatever the issue is and how will I do it, but to be honest no president can fix a issue on one term, if anyone tell you that is lying they just want your votes, the candidate need to stop giving false hope. The problem will take time to be fix. But what a president can do is set thing’s in motion or at lest set up a foundation for the next president to build on. Before we can do that we need to have structure in eCanada, I been working on a few acts/laws ahead of time to fix these issues as quickly as possible when I do become president, also have some idea.

What we also need is a president that will listen, keep the people inform and takes advice. We don’t need a president that will give false hope, can’t deliver his/her promise to the county, or think they know it all. We need a president that will serve the people not the government but you the people, what I mean about the people I’m talking about the Canadian, member of the congress, everyone that a citizen in eCanada, I think that’s what eCanada lost is that no one want to serve the people but themselves. I know some people will be against me because I have not proven myself yet, I might not be ready; they also might think I’m up to something. And I understand that, no one can be trusted at this point. I will not promise you things that can’t be done in one term, but I can promise you structure, honest, dedication, and getting the things that need to be done. I’m not saying I will be a better president then any of the candidates but I’m the best choice for Canada at the moment, also if I think I’m not ready to do the president job yet I will be the first person to say it and ask for impeachment. Who ever you vote for, you have to ask yourself what can this person do for Canada? Can this person move Canada forward?. Thanks for reading
I will have my cabinet ready.
I will also be bring ask the president to eCanada, the credit go to Haliman.
Prince A. Joseph for president
Thank you for the support