PoTUSian Posers: Volume 2 of 6

Day 1,226, 20:49 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Day 1,227 of the New World
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BREAKING NEWS: Phoenix Quinn Confesses to Running (with) Multi: Names the Entire Revolutionary Committee of the SFP as VPs.
The Professor Leaves Class: Oak Falls out of PoTUS Race.
Leaves no official endorsement.
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For 6 days leading up to election, you will be meeting these candidates side by side as they answer questions from 6 topics of eRepublik game play. The topics are: Platform, Politics, Power, Pluribus Unum, Personal Life, and Pontification.
Today’s topic is “Politics”, where they address life with INCI, and tell us why they like their own Party.

In tomorrow’s 16 Shells they deal with Power. Military funding and game strategy from a National Perspective will be the topics.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope that this series prepares you to vote for the person you feel is best able to handle the job. Please take time to click and visit our sponsors.

If you missed Volume 1 yesterday, click here: PoTUSian Posers V:1

Let’s get down to business:
QUESTION #3: INCI: Friends with Benefits, Strange Bedfellows, or Doomed for Divorce? Why do you think so?

~Pizza the Hut:
With friends like iNCi, who needs enemies? I am very sympathetic to our Greek friends and thus I have no sympathy for those who oppress them.

~Professor Oak:
From those choices, I have to say Doomed for Divorce. The only amiable ending of the INCI issue is them leaving. No nation can have two entirely divided groups, because in this case the Americans will feel entitled to control of the nation because we are Americans IRL, and the INCI would feel entitled to their fair share because they have citizenship which is the only ‘real’ thing in this game.

Strange bedfellows: many of them honestly have good intentions, but whenever something even slightly bad happens, some members of the leadership go nuts, and get the members riled up with them. They need to be talked to and kept at about the same level with the eventual goal of moving them to Cyprus.

~George Pumpkinette:
They are human beings and as such it's what we choose to make of the relationship. Consider: I gave them a good dose of Pumpkinette, then only asked them to support me as a candidate for CP, with not one request of a concession from me. I find them to be informed and organized Taking only that into consideration, the first (friends with benefits) is what one should hope for.

Allies, but not unconditional, and not utterly loyal. They'll fight for us, but they have their own fight that takes precedence. They're not willing to give up their own allies to work better with us, which shouldn't be used against them. As a citizen army, they should receive funding and food, just like the rest of us, but with stipulations when they fight against our allies.

~Phoenix Quinn:
I am a lover. Definitely friends with benefits.

I've long been sympathetic to the e-Turkish Left and have followed their travails for quite some time. Honestly, I have a number of Turkish acquaintances in-game and we were comrades and like-minded sprits long before the iNCi immigration to the eUSA got underway.

You know, I visited Istanbul once IRL. I was on my way to a wedding in Bulgaria. No lie. Istanbul has to be one of the most interesting cities in the world. In my experience, Turkish people are great. Friendly, funny, intense, and mostly open-minded. Although they get a lot of shit from Europeans and some Americans, when you look at Turkey in its local and historical context, it's quite an amazing place, with a fascinating history, a great culture. And it's also likely to play an interesting role in the real world in the upcoming period.

So when the iNCi came here, I understood some of what was behind it and appreciated the desire of a lot of Turkish players to find a way to build up their strength without constantly being smashed down. And because I have generally good feelings about Turks and Turkey IRL, I was somewhat dismayed at the kinda knee-jerk xenophobia expressed by some folks in the good ol' eUS of A. Not everyone, by any means, but enough to make me sorta fidgety.

It was Glove's approach to working out the iNCi situation that really drew my support and my attention to his campaign. He understood that letting a "civil war" develop would be bad for everybody, but he also supported taking rational steps to maintain national cohesion. And that's a fair point. When all is said and done, it has nothing to do with nationality, really. People work for a long time to build up institutions and it's a shame and a bitch of a thing when an organized on-line community comes barging in and upsets that carefully constructed apple cart.

I expect a lot of the iNCi's will probably fly off to e-Cyprus before too long and work on re-taking control of Turkey. And I wish them the best of luck in that endeavor. Not too long ago, the SFP contributed some material support to helping build up leftist communes in hopes of strengthening the people's resistance movement to the oligarchs and occupiers there. I supported that 100% and I hope other Americans find similar ways to help. And of course those iNCi's who want to remain in the eUSA: you are welcome to join the Socialist Freedom Party!

~Lefty from Mulberry St:
As I mentioned before, INCI started as PTOing, dishonest terrorists. Now they seem to be playing ball and cooperating. I'd have to fall in the middle here and say that INCI are strange bedfellows, will they cooperate, will they fall back in thier old ways, many can speculate, but only they really know.

~Henry Arundel:
Doomed for Divorce, but that's by design of inci. They're planning to leave the USA once they feel they have the strength to create 'incistan' in Cyprus. I think we need to try and find a way to prevent a political civil war, and so far Glove has managed to take steps to do that. That will be a very big job next month.
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QUESTION #4: What makes your Political Party the best in eRepublik?

~Professor Oak:
I’m not affiliated to any political party, so this question doesn’t really apply to me. In all honesty, domestic politics annoy the hell out of me.

The friends I've met in the USWP are ones I'll keep until I quit this game. People like Fionia have stuck by me from the beginning and I know I can talk to them about anything. The community is very supportive of any endeavor of its members

~George Pumpkinette:
What made it best for me, the only other member (did vote for me, once) never responded but once after my first message, Anyway I got to name it anything I wanted.

What Political Party?

~Phoenix Quinn:
Emerick, who is great by the way, recently described me (I am paraphrasing) as "that guy who's known for writing tl;dr smarty-pants articles". Now, Emerick is a careful observer. He probably knows more about eRepublik than any other 20 players put together. And he seldom gets things wrong, including that observation about me.

So what does that have to with the SFP being the best party in the eUSA? Just this: in the SFP, everybody is encouraged to think outside the box, even a cantankerous old windbag like me.

As you may or may not know, citizen Gnilraps, I've written any number of quite lengthy and sometimes rather obscure pieces on all sorts of topics, from an Analysis of Classes in eRepublik (google it!), to the influence of the Haudesaunee League on the U.S. Constitution and why that matters in eRepublik, to a reverie on the confluence between punk rock and alternative country music and what that has to do with playing a game like this. I suspect in many places I'd be shunned for writing crap like that.. and truth be told, I've never even tried to appeal to a mass audience because, as far as I can tell, there's a whole lotta, umm, boludos, playing this game. But that's neither here nor there, I suppose.

In the SFP -- and in its wider circle of friends, allies and acquaintances -- I was welcomed, encouraged and received all kinds of interesting feedback that I actually found interesting and challenging. That kind of thing has made it worth my while to stick around for a while longer before I reach my personal vanishing point.

You know, I've never been a "go along with crowd" kind of guy. I really could care less what people think about me. It's not that I'm all that unsociable or anything. I just have very little interest in whether other people approve of me, agree with me, or even particularly whether they like me or not. Really, I just can't stand dogmatic, narrow-minded and head-up-your-ass thinking, whether from the right, the left or in any other context. I get bored easily. In the SFP I found a group of critical thinkers who are capable of having a debate without starting to throw tomatoes at each other, who give newbies a chance to shine, who understand that "winning" eRep happens when you have fun putting your own ideas into practice, and who know the difference between Zeno of Elea and Zeno of Citium.
(edit. Yes PQ I've spent too much time reading your cool shit.)
~Lefty from Mulberry St:
The Fraternity Party is a newer party, with new ideas, great leadership and a potential new addition to the Top 5.

The USWP is a very old party, that has given me my three terms in congress and I can find a majority of my eFriends in thier IRC.

Who the best party in eRepublik is: is a question I can not answer, in my time here I have watched the Feds rise from a 6th party and maintain top 5 status, I've seen the UIP rise, fall and rise again and I've watched the SFP's creation and what it has become. Many parties are the "greatest" parties, due to so many parties doing what they do, the eUS has been made better. What I'd like to see is a party that stands up and shines seperately from other parties, to take a solid stand on an issue, such as taxation.

~Henry Arundel:
Well, I can't say USWP is the best in eRepublik, cause I don't know all of the foreign parties. In the USA, USWP is the best because while we do in fact have a lot of 2 clicker activity, we managed to harness a lot of that, and we run efficient mobile voting and blocking operations. We have a good deal of the most active and respected members of the country at the moment, and are constantly taking steps to do more, and be better. USWP has had high and low periods, as any party does. We just happen to be on a high right now, and I'm loving it.

~Pizza the Hut:
No other party brings together so many intelligent, independent thinking eAmericans who care about fighting for our country and against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.
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That's it for today.
Tomorrow’s questions will be on Power:
QUESTION #5: What role should the Government play in controlling the Economy of eUSA? Explain:
QUESTION #6: What access will the Media have to your Administration?

I'm Gnilraps, and I’d appreciate your vote and subscription.
Turkish Translation will be up as soon as my Turkish Translator resurfaces!

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