One Step Forward And Two Steps Back

Day 1,507, 17:24 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

Alright guys i dont write too many articles, and when i do its usually when i see something is this country wrong, yes i am forever the pessimist. Right now i am tired of the FXP mentality of this country, i have lived in this country longer than most here, and i have seen over and over how the FXP crowd will elect a fxp boy merely because he is fxp regardless if they know the other canidate would do a better job. Newsflash guys, history speaks for itself. There is NO FXP non english speaking Jew that has ever done anything good for this country. It sickens me to see that a person would vote for eyal (whom i have no problem with) who very well may be a good president (and i hope he is) instead of voting for OfirG who they know would be a GREAT president merely because he is not an FXP boy, it seems to me many in this country would rather see an FXP boy be president and fail at the job than see someone else perhaps even a foreigner be president and succeed. It saddens me to see a guy whom admitted he stole weapons from his platoon be named the Economist of the year, merely because he is an FXP boy, it saddens me to see a guy who has told everyone he cannot be president because of personal reasons not be given an honourable impeachment and let another man take the seat because some folks cant stand another person doing a good job. you know what else saddens me, this country has always survived off of Foreign countries , english speakers, and foreigners in general , and this will never change, and you know thats sad...... but true