Megalomania never dies

Day 1,631, 12:17 Published in Italy United Kingdom by militarista

Si ringrazia ziotony per la cortese collaborazione e l'inquisitore Yamisuke per la sua viglianza.
Il tizio in questione, dopo un ban da #erepublik-it ci ha esposto il suo grandioso e folle piano.

21:03 ziotony91 pthut: you have to restore
21:03 pthut all agreed?
21:03 ziotony91 greatness of roman empire
21:03 pthut yes
21:03 +++ ShitStorm has given voice to pthut
21:03 pthut this is my plan
21:03 pthut you see
21:03 pthut after I am RL US President
21:03 pthut I am going to use my power to
21:03 pthut lift myself in to Emperor
21:03 pthut I will convince other nations to support me
21:03 pthut and we will restore a new Roman Empire
21:04 pthut I will be like Marcus Aurelius
21:04 pthut a philosopher Emperor
21:04 pthut who cares deeply about his people
21:04 pthut
21:04 Castell_militarista lol great pthut
21:04 pthut si
21:04 ziotony91 pthut: the greatest plan ever
21:04 Castell_militarista hail to the emperor
21:04 Castell_militarista o7
21:05 pthut si
21:05 pthut I will be crowned in St. Peter's Basilica... and the Pope will proclaim me
21:05 pthut Emperor of the Romans and Defender of the Faith
21:05 pthut and as I go outside to ADORING crowds
21:05 pthut everyone will give the Roman salute
21:05 pthut and say Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar!
21:05 pthut o/
21:06 ziotony91 HAIL CAESAR
21:06 Castell_militarista HAIL CAESAR
21:06 Castell_militarista Yamisuke: anche lei
21:07 pthut oRly
21:11 Yamisuke Ya Rly
21:11 Yamisuke HAIL CAESAR
21:12 Castell_militarista lol
21:12 Castell_militarista adesso cio scatta l'articolo
21:12 Yamisuke O:

say Hail to the emperor XD