eRep Radio Day 4566

Day 4,566, 05:07 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

Music time? Music time.

Yesterday's article

To participate:
1: Comment on this article with a song you want me to play

2: top 3 voted comments are guaranteed to have their songs played in tomorrow's article, along with 2 others of my choice

3: the #1 comment each day wins 1000cc!

Today's winner is PiZ for showing me a band I haven't heard before: here's IST IST - "You're mine".

Our number 2 today is a black from the early 80s, here's Blondie - "Rapture" suggested by Thee Dude

For number 3, oh boy did someone hand me the aux cord again? Here's a treat from last decade: Walk The Moon - "Jenny". I heard a rumor that the lead singer actually has a lisp, but I googled to verify before writing about it here, and couldn't find anything about it. Just listening to this song, I would've believed it.

Since I'm doing song trivia today, here's Dire Straights - "Money for Nothing". Fun fact, the band wrote the lyrics to this by going into a hardware store appliance section and writing down phrases from a conversation they overheard between 2 employees. Seriously, listen to the lyrics.

I'll leave you off with "Drops of Jupiter" by Train. While this song is a collection of seemingly unrelated lyrics that you just know the writer has some deep-sounding story about that only they know the full scope of, and everyone else has to guess, someone actually did get a statement from the lead singer about it. Turns out he wrote it about his mother's death, which is actually really touching once you re-listen to the lyrics in that context. So here is.

And that's what I got today.
Stay cool, kids!