eRep Radio Day 4565

Day 4,565, 04:47 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

Another day, another dollup of those good sweet sounds!

Yesterday's article

To participate:
1: Comment on this article with a song you want me to play

2: top 3 voted comments are guaranteed to have their songs played in tomorrow's article, along with 2 others of my choice

3: the #1 comment each day wins 1000cc!

Our winner for today is Thee Dude suggesting Molly Hatchet - "Flirtin with Disaster". Fitting considering yesterday's eUS events.

In our number 2 slot, FHK commented "Kaoma". Without further ado, here's another song by that same group! "Melodie d'Amour"

Now for number 3. I had a lot of comments yesterday, but not many suggestions, so I'm left to take some artistic liberties with the song list. So let's get some world music in here! I'll start out with a Mongolian throat singing rock ban😛 here's The HU performing their original: "Yuve Yuve Yu" Best viewed in full screen, as the picture is slimmer than Jim Parsons' chances of breaking his typecast.

If you don't know of the Tuareg people, they are a largely-nomadic cultural/ethnic group who inhabit large parts of the Sahara. One of the things they are known for is their acoustic folk music. Search them up on youtube sometimes, you'll find some good tunes filmed on a potato, though sadly not as many as I would want to hear.
From this group of people came a band who tried combining the traditional sounds of their music with the instruments of American Classic Rock. I give you the Tuareg band Tinariwen with their song "Sastanàqqàm". If you tell me how to pronounce that song title, I will give you a crisp American dollar bill.

And last but not least in our number 5 slot, here's a modern rap/hiphop band from South Africa: Die Antwo-

Just kidding guys I wouldn't subject you to Die Antword rofl

Here's some German easy listening. Annette Louisan - "Das Spiel"

Okay, that's all for now guys. Don't forget to dance in the living room or sing in the shower today!

Cya! o>