CJCS Reala; a Second Look

Day 1,233, 12:33 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Afternoon Edition
Day 1,233 of the New World

I hope you've also seen the Breaking News Report published just as the CJCS document had gone viral.
And I hope you've seen this Morning Edition Report where I try to outline the facts.
Now I hope you will listen while we examine the perspective of the Military.

After reading all three I hope the ongoing dialogue will begin to focus on destroying the enemies of the eUnited States by any means possible.
Military Man Deserves a Second Look

Bradley Reala, by oath, has sworn to lead the 6 Branches of eUS Military in defense of the Nation, whether that be to attack or defend, in battle as laid forth by the Executive Branch of the eUS Government.

In pursuit of this vow, and upon the occasion that the eUS Congress has presented a setting where this could not be done in the ordinary way, Reala has moved to fulfill his public oath by removing Federal Funding as a variable with which to function. Not functioning is a non-option.

As a Branch of Government, the Military is within its right to function this way since its primary Constitutional binding is to defend the eUS. When a Branch of Government interposes itself between oath and honor, the Military must choose the path of uninterrupted service, and that is to Defend.

To argue that the Military is acting in contradiction to the Constitution is to argue that the Military is not defending the eUSA - clearly not what is happening. If Congress becomes an obstacle to defense, step around. If public image becomes an obstacle to defense, step around. If personal interests threaten to weaken the ability of the eUS Military to Defend the Security of this Nation, they must stand down. At no time must the eUS Military be in any position except READY to defend the interests of the eUSA.

The CJCS is responsible for making the decisions that equip the eUS Military for Service. The primary variable for choosing a course of action is, "what will best enable this Military to serve in defense of this Nation."

Whether Congress funds or not is one variable in considering how this eUS Military will serve this Nation; it cannot be a variable in determining that it can not.

And so this CJCS, Bradley Reala, has made a potentially heroic decision. It is at the very least the most Patriotic and Stewardly decision imaginable, the decision to keep READY, the Defenders of the eUSA: the Training Corps, National Guard, Mobile Infantry, Army, Airborne, and Marine Corps regardless of the political consequences, and regardless of the sources of funding.

16 Shells says Thank You Bradley Reala for piloting a rather large ship through a very stormy sea.


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