A message to Serbia regarding CoT and USA

Day 1,974, 14:59 Published in Serbia Bulgaria by Krum III

I am not a Bulgarian official, and this is my private oppinion.

I don't speak Serbian, so I am sorry to write in English. But if someone can translate it I would gladly add the Serbian version to this article.

The Serbian MoFA wrote here where he explains his concerns regarding USA accession in CoT.

The concerns are mainly because the PR of USA stated here the following:

"want to reiterate that their full entrance into the alliance does not change their stance against TWO, and more specifically, Serbia"

However, this is not the whole statement, is it? A fair analisys would be to continue quoting. Here is the next sentence:

"Serbia openly supports a PTO against our nation, something that cannot be ignored, forgiven, or forgotten."

I am not very much into Serbian-American relations, but if this is true, what Serbia and USA must do in the current situation is to start immediate negotiations in which Serbia will promise to stop supporting the PTO of USA and USA will promise to stop being hostile to Serbia.

I remember that USA reduced their bonuses in order to get rid of PTO-ers which is a proof of their major concern. So, Serbia cannot play the victim in this situation.

If the intentions of both sides are good, this has to happen.

Writing articles like this is not helping.

CoT and TWO are friendly alliances and when any neutral or hostile country joins either of them, the new member has to become friendly to both of them. Also, both the members of the two alliances have to become friendly with the new one.

The only winner of a possible CoT-TWO conflict will be EDEN and noone else. Do not make them that happy.

Greetings from Bulgaria!
Hail friends and allies!