[SRB/ENG] PEACE nostalgy/nostalgija

Day 909, 10:25 Published in Indonesia Serbia by DaRkO 206

[ENG] Because of wish to remind old players about situation in which eSerbia used to be and make younger ones to put in the position of eRepublik player a year ago, I decided to republish original article written a year ago in eIndonesia (where I used to spend a lot of my eTime and met lot of friends) and it’s published again there. In that time, article had more than 1000 votes (concerning number of players in that time you can imagine the situation) so I hope now it would have at least the same number now. 😃
Enjoy reading!

[SRB] U zelji da starije igrace podsetim na stanje u kome je eSrbija nekada bila, a mladjima omogucim da se stave u poziciju igraca od pre godinu dana, ovaj clanak je reizdanje originalnog clanka od pre godinu dana izdatog u eIndoneziji (gde sam proveo dosta vremena i stekao puno prijatelja) te je i ovaj clanak izdat tamo. Svojevremo je skupio preko hiljadu glasova (s obzirom na broj tadasnjih igraca mozete zamisliti situaciju), nadam se da ce ovog puta bar toliko). 😃
Uzivajte u citanju !

Dear PEACE members all over the world :

As you may know, one day before Congress election (MAY 29) , the whole list of candidates was gone. The new one was settled down with totally unknown people (not from eSerbia). There are few explanation of it, but the nearest possible way is that the party president's account was h**ked.
Neighter open letters nor tickets helped to solve the problem.

Meanwhile, some of congressmen left country but the most of them stayed.
They passed a lot of horrible laws like changing minimum wage from 1 rsd to 35, then donated large amounts of money, issuing 93000 rsd for 465 gold. Afterwards all donated to fixtive eSerbian bank- Bank of eSerbia.
With ruined economy - monetary market ( fake RSD and banned people who reported it ) and market (all the products bought) , eSerbian government and its president continued doing their job well.
I have to mention that without help from ALL PEACE ALLIES, MOSTLY eHUNGARY, eSerbia wouldn't go through. And then, when everybody saw eSerbia as the bigger loser in this GAME, the best thing happened. eSerbia had a BABY BOOM.
It means that a large number of new citizens registered in eSerbia in those days. One day, eSerbia had over 1200 new citizens and in 8 days there were more than 3800 eBabies. Through donations from all PEACE countries and opening work places for them all over the eWorld, eSerbia successfully put its citizens on the feet practicaly without economy, administration and teritories.


You can read HERE about BABY BOOM and unity of PEACE nations concerning solving problems. It is written by Lipec and in few hours after writing it was in top international news.
Thank you all for your help.

We thought that the last and the worst law, proposed by this congressmens (also called "people from Mars&quot😉- because nobody knows who they really are, would be impeachment of president Lipec who was elected by majority .
As you can guess - impeachment was accepted and the new president became Arcibald Rajs.
Despite he was told to consult with eGovernment and ex ePresident it may be that the contact has never been made.

Finally, at 11h eRepublik time two new laws were proposed in eSerbia. The one is changing minimum wage from 35 rsd to (usual) 1 rsd and the other is concerning ALLIANCE WITH GREECE (ATLANTIS MEMBER). It may be very strange if you don't know what is happening...

Here is an explanation :

People from Mars made their first contact. Of course, it is with president they elected - Arcibald Rajs. They suggested him to sign an alliance with Greece and they will change minimum wage to normal and soon will leave the Congress. The only fault of new eSerbians president is that he didn't consult noone from Government and made a deal with people who don't know. He done all they asked but the question is will they do in the same way and why do we need alliance with some ATLANTIS country ?

Please, be aware that more than 90% of people from eSerbia do not agree with these law proposals and that they will be accepted by strangers in the Congress.
eSerbia will be in PEACE GC all the time because the future is ours, it is in our hands.
We are the ones...
We have a lot of things to do in following days, so let's make our team spirit stronger.



article for all PEACE memers in Hungary and all over the world.
Read and vote if you haven't yet.


PEACE at home, PEACE in the world. xD

Just reached level 23,