[Ro/En] Reward for national goals

Day 786, 10:41 Published in Romania Romania by deus otiosus
English version

The introduction 2 months ago of “national goals” didn’t have the expected effect. The image of an obelisk or arch by the name of a country (as a result of goal achievement) doesn’t mean anything for that country or its president. It could pure luck that the goal has been achieved, not strategy, involvement or so. Moreover, an ambitious goal doesn’t help a candidate win the battle, most of the time the “national goals” being selected only because “they have to be” or just for fun. Thus, it is a rather inutile feature of eRepublik, for both players, who are not interested and involved, and admins, who are losing time and resources. Also, achieving a national goal it’s quite simple, the inertia of the game allowing for a 1% increase of population per month, or keeping of regions when you are not at war etc.
OK, so what?
My proposition is to give a “material” reward for achieving national goals, for 1) the country, 2) its president, and 3) the country’s government. These rewards should be different, in response to their ambitiousness and addressee. Thus, if a country or president should receive this material reward, the “usual” obelisks should be awarded as it was done until now.

Bellow, I’ve listed a very few suggestions, hoping that your comments will help expand the list (just live a comment, and I’ll add your proposals to the article):
a) The country achieving economic growth should get a monetary aid (e.g., 5% down for new company fees for one month, if there was a 5% economic growth).
b) Resources upgrade for conquered regions, for a month (e.g., from low to medium, or from medium to high)
c) 5 gold for the president who proposed and achieved a goal (a medal, too?)
d) Your proposal here
e) Your proposal here

Vote the article to attract attention and thus more and better proposal and get the admins attention.

Romanian version

Introducerea acum 2 luni a “telurilor nationale” nu a suscitat interesul cetatenilor. O poza mica cu imaginea unui obelisc sau a unui arc de triumf atasata descrierii unei tari ca urmare a atingerii unuia sau mai multor teluri propuse de cel care a castigat alegerile prezidentiale nu aduce nimic palpabil respectivei tari, sau conducerii care a facut posibila atingerea acestuia/acestora. De asemenea, un tel ambitios nu contribuie la victoria unuia sau altuia dintre candidati, de multe ori acestea fiind alese doar pentru ca trebuie, sau in deridere. Este pacat, atat pentru jucatori, care nu sunt interesati, cat si pentru admini, care pierd timp, resurse etc intretinand o componenta inutila a jocului. In plus, atingerea unui tel national, poate fi o sarcina destul de simpla, nu trebuie decat sa propui teluri simpliste (crestere de 1% a populatiei, pastrarea regiunilor initiale, atunci can nu esti in razboi cu nimeni etc).
Si totusi, se poate face ceva?
Propunerea mea este ca atingerea unui tel national sa fie acompanita de o recompensa pentru 1) statul respectiv, 2) presedintele care a propus telul/telurile atinse si 3) conducerea tarii, care a contribuit la atingere acestuia/acestora. Aceste recompense ar trebui sa fie diferentiate, in functie de cat de ambitioase au fost, respective in functie de cine le primeste (stat, presedinte, conducere). Daca in cazul statului/presedintelui este vorba de o recompensa materiala, in cazul conducerii, propun o recompensa simbolica (gen obeliscurile de pana acum), asta deoarece este dificil de ales cine din conducere (Congresul? Partidele? Diversele org-uri, ministere etc? Ministrii?) merita “laudele”.

Cateva posibile sugestii (va solicit ajutorul si imaginatia, pentru a le completa…adaugati comentariu si le voi insera in text, impreuna cu autorul propunerii):
a) Statul care si-a propus si atins o crestere economica primeste un ajutor in bani (de ex., reducere de 5% pentru o crestere economica de similara la infiintarea unei forme noi, timp de 1 luna);
b) Upgrade al resurselor unei regiuni pentru statul care a cucerit-o/pastrat-o.
c) 5 gold pentru presedintele care a propus si atins un tel.
d) propunerile voastre aici

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