[Politikon] What happened yesterday

Day 1,082, 09:30 Published in Belarus Romania by deus otiosus

I have recently moved to Belarus and I'll spend some time in this country (thank you for accepting me), so some of my articles will be intended for the citizens of this country, although the informations will be relevant for my international subscribers, too (thank you for following me here!).

Onto now on yesterday's events, three of them:
1. Elections
2. New strength formula
3. EDEN (Cromania) vs PHOENIX (HUSER) war

1. Elections

The most important presidential elections were those in Russia, Portugal and Belarus, where PTO attempts were "scheduled". EDEN failed to install a puppet president in Russia (alpho lost to mogaba and we will see an interesting month, with the Russians attempting to retake their country. EDEN's failure must be related to lack of coordination and also to the relatively hot Romanian elections, where more than 1200 votes have been casted in the battle between the relatively independent Bogdan_L (winner by a large margin) and Alex Craciun, the later supported by an "unnatural" coalition of left and right parties (PNL and eUGD). Moreover, Romanian and Polish TO units were involved in the elections in Belarus, where the Polish supported Nina Ayu have won. A likely unsuccessful impeachment against her was already proposed. We will see an interesting political battle in Belarus, the Congress and the president fighting each other at least for the next 3 weeks, until the next elections. Also, an anti-Russian movement started here, a trading embargo being proposed.
The portuguese PTO was merely just a muscle flexure, with the Portuguese candidate winning easily.

2. Strength
The admins changed the rules. Again. Some got a lot of money (26 SS medals x 5 gold for each), some are crying that they've got nothing. The basic formula is easy - every 100 points advance in strength you got a treasure map. Daily, you get 5p by training, 0.5p free bonus, 1p reward, and 1 p for training with friends. That makes 7,5 points per day, so, a SS meal every two weeks (roughly).
Now, there were a lot of complaints about this, see here and here, for two examples (or see the Hungarian press - basically, everybody with a newspaper was crying.
It will take some time until things will be clarified, the good news is that we'll all get ~15 gold/month, from training and working - 1HW medal and two SS medals.

3. War
Cromania attacked HUSER: Romania in SGP and CH (both in Hungary) and Croatia in WTD, STD (Hungary) and Voivodina (Serbia). The first two battles in CH were maybe the most gold-consuming ones in eRep history: gold (from SS medals) was pouring on the monetary market, food, WPs and guns on the battlefield. Romania won the first two runs, Bogdan_L and reebeezlee delivering >350000 points of damage. In the end, HUSER won almost all battles (Voivodina is till going on), but with a huge cost in terms of money (they've lost 6 hospitals and most of the gold received form the medals - as did CROMANIA, too). Things calmed down for a while, some battles are still going on (Eastern Serbia and NGP, and we are expecting a new outbreak in the next hours.
Nothing quiet on the western front, Brazil and Spain are fighting on Spanish territory, with balanced power. The same in SE Asia, where US and Indonesia are fighting in former Serb owned territory, and Indonesia attempting to conquer again Australia (weakly supported by EDEN).

Stay tuned (just hit the subscribe button), more articles will follow, of interest for internal (Belarus) and international audience.