[NUMPANG] Reference List/Bibliography by YSA

Day 2,156, 19:37 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Medox Second

Pada suatu ketika di Habitat IRC saya bertemu dengan (YSA) dan beliau meminta publishkan artikel beliau. maka saya setuju dan mempublish.

NB: Semua isi diluar tanggung jawab Penerbit 😃

I will never forget,
your smile in our last day.
Thanks for that smile...
(Coorie - Bokutachi no yukue with some editing)

When someone smile, it is like a heaven. When someone angry, it is like a hell. Have you ever experienced it ?

Put that aside, right now I will explain to you about reference list/Bibliography as my promised in last article. Oh, one thing in this explanation about reference, i am using Havard System.

Before i explain about reference. First, I will explain about Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined by De Montfort University Student Regulations as “The significant use by a tudent of other people’s work and the submission of it as though it were his or her own”.

According to De Montfort University, in order to avoid plagiarism, you can do these steps:
a) Cite and reference everything used and studied for your assignment.
b) Always put quotes in quotation marks and indent quotes of significant length so they stand out from the rest of the text. This marks them as not your own words.
c) Always acknowledge the source within the text and in full within the bibliography at the end.
d) Where paraphrasing an individual always acknowledge them as the source of the ideas.
e) Do not leave your work until the last minute, in order to avoid panic plagiarism.
f) Always ask your tutor for clarification if you are unsure of an assignment.

So be careful when doing your work.

De Montfort University explained, a reference is the detailed bibliographic description of the item from which you gained your information. Reference are used to locate the sources you have used and support your argument in your work.

There are many various citation exist. All of them convey the same information. The difference is on the presentation of that information. De Montfort University explained, most style guides fall into two commonly used systems:
a) author­date system (e.g. Harvard),
b) numeric system (e.g. Vancouver, MLA).

Whichever the system you use, you must consistent in that system to apply to your work. Do not change it.(I am using Harvard)

I only explain how to create references list from book, electronic, personal communication and reference works.

References – Books

AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title. Edition – if not the 1st. Place of publication: Publisher.
e.g. Cheyne, G. (1724). An Essay of Health and Long Life. London: Doddington Press.

Chapters in books
AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of chapter. In: AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S), ed(s). Book title. Edition.
Place of publication: Publisher, Pages. (use p. or pp.)
e.g. TUCKMAN, A. (1999) Labour, skills and training. In: LEVITT, R. et al, (eds.) The reorganised National Health Service. 6th ed. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes, pp. 135-­155.

Electronic references

AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of document [Type of resource, e.g. CD­ROM, e­mail, WWW]
Organisation responsible (optional). Available from: web address [Date accessed].

e.g. HARNACK, A. and KLEPPINGER, E. (2003) Online! A reference guide to using internet sources [WWW]. St Martin’s. Available from: http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/index.html [Accessed 31/05/09].

Note: if there is no date, you can use (n.d.) where n.d. represents no date so that everyone knows you have omitted this element.

e.g. De Montfort University Library Services (n.d.). How to avoid Plagiarism and be citation wise [WWW]. De Montfort University, Library Services. Avaible from: www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Howto/HowtoAvoidPlagiarism.pdf [Accessed 10/10/2013].

Personal communication

Before you referencing a personal communication you should ask permission of the person before quoting them and provide the communicator’s initials, surname, the type and date of communication in the text.

In a conversation on 13th October 2013 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed that...

Reference Works (Dictionaries/Encyclopaedias)

AUTHOR(S) (Year) Title of chapter. In: AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) ed(s). Title, Volume (if applicable), Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, Pages. (use p. or pp.)

KESNER, R.P. (2002). Memory neurobiology. In: RAMACHANDRAN, V.S. Encyclopedia of the human brain, Vol. 2. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 783­-796.

The Oxford English Dictionary (1989) Vol. 3, Oxfor😛 Clarendon Press.

I think it is enough. For more information you can access this www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Selfstudy/Harvard.pdf If there is any mistakes made by me, I am very sorry.

Thank you,

Signed by,
YSA aka Yoshino Sakura (my pen name)

Works Citied

Jangan lupa lomba artikelnya teman-teman2.
Batas akhir pengumpulan artikel adalah 24 Desember 2013 (jangan tanya kenapa lama banget deadlinenya). Ingat topik artikel bebas boleh tentang erep atau RL. Yang akan saya nilai adalah topik artikel belum pernah dibahas, orisinal, dan gaya tulisanmu. Btw, alasan yg sebenarnya saya buat lomba ini untuk RL saya. Di mana saya dan teman saya membuat suatu event yang akan diadakan pada tahun 2014 (rahasia nama eventnya). Cara pengiriman artikel yaitu dengan cara memasukkan artikel anda ke mail dan mengirimkannya ke e-mail saya. Jika ada sumber untuk membuat artikel tersebut. Tolong gunain daftar pustaka.

De Montfort University Library Services (n.d.). The Harvard system of referencing [WWW]. De Montfort University, Library Services. Avaible from: www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Selfstudy/Harvard.pdf [Accessed 10/10/2013].

University of West England (2009) A guide to references [WWW]. University of the West of England, Library Services. Available from: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/library/resources/general/info_study_skills/refs.htm [Accessed 10/10/2013].

De Montfort University Library Services (n.d.). How to avoid Plagiarism and be citation wise [WWW]. De Montfort University, Library Services. Avaible from: www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Howto/HowtoAvoidPlagiarism.pdf [Accessed 10/10/2013].