[jw] Duels: The nemesis that keeps you here

Day 2,239, 15:48 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

I won't bore you with a long and overly tedious article. Its quite simple. The biggest motivation that I really do think we need to advertise and encourage people to get involved with: the search for nemesii(?) Regardless of what the plural of nemesis is, I thought that something a Cheeky little dastard and I agreed upon a long time ago, is something that the rest of the UK should take up.

Put bluntly, despite our history of long co-operation (and boring monologue of friendship whatever), ultimately Keers and I still compete. Whether politically (domestically, internationally), economically, or playfully, the fact is he loves laughing at me when I screw up, and I love laughing at him when he loses. So a while ago we agreed, whoever lives the longest, gets the lot. If I die, I'll dissolve all and send it his way, the same for him.

Have either of us died? No. Will either of us? Doubtful. Why? Because our stubbornness beats our dedication to this game by a factor of 10. Sure I could leave without giving him anything, but he would still have beaten me by still playing. So this has arguably, two lessons learned.

1) Its all Keers's fault that I'm still here
2) Do as I say and no-one will ever quit again

You can make your own decision as to which of my lessons you'll take on board. Personally, I'm more than happy to spend the time organising some sort of matching process whereby everyone is given a 'till death do us hate and compete' partner. Otherwise, find your nemesis, and approach them. If everyone does it, then we'll all still be here to moan and complain in many years to come, and poison the poor defenceless minds of new players forever more. Fun, right?

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Lots of love,