[GOV] Some guidelines for the elections

Day 612, 16:31 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

We have a quite irregular election coming up so I thought it's best if I offer some advice and guidelines with this article.

Hopefully everyone knows that the Malaysian parties have agreed to set up an official unity list in the face of the takeover attempt (you can read about it: HERE and HERE). But as the "intruders" left in the very last hours, we are now here with a unity list but without opponents for the most part. As there was no time to react and to get things back to normal you should be careful with your votes as you might find your candidate at an unexpected place.🙂

- If you are a MAP/MPP/Djozikeist supporter and plan to vote a MAP/MPP/Djozikeist candidate you might very well find your candidate on DAP's list (as that would have been the unity list). Though MAP has a few candidates on its own list as well.
- If you are a DAP supporter and plan to vote a DAP candidate then you should be careful not to vote someone who just runs from DAP because of the unity list but otherwise represents another party.

Best thing is to check the official announcements of the parties or asking around, for example by sending a mail to your party's president.

Another important thing is that in Sarawak there are only two while in Sabah only one non-official candidates who were not part of the unity list. This means that 7+8 fine candidates would get into congress from there even without a single vote. So travelling voters to these regions is probably not advised as it would just start a quite pointless race. It's better if you ask your party president about this though. In Peninsular Malaysia on the other hand there will probably be some competition at least.🙂 But even taking into account that, we'll have some free voting capacity so to say.

Several communities and countries offered Malaysia help for the elections when we were in danger so it would be great if we could send some voters out on anti-TO help to still threatened friendly countries especially with the limited competition we have at home. Anyone who can freely travel and would be ready to help another country survive should join #ATO.my on rizon.net tomorrow where you'll get free moving tickets and advice on where to vote. I'll probably be here only after 12:00 Erepublik time, before that you might not get help there but afterwards for sure. We'll see. I'll try to get someone to take care of it in my absence. But I'd like to ask everyone ready to take part in anti-TO action to hold your vote as long as possible. The later you vote, the better we see where your vote is needed.

So once again, Malaysian anti-TO headquarters is:
#ATO.my on rizon.net

Thanks in advance to everyone for the help and good luck to all candidates! And wherever and for whomever you vote, thanks for it. Casting your vote is really important for the democratic process.

Best regards,

Official Malaysian chatroom is #erepublik.my at rizon.net
Official Malaysian forum is at: http://erepublik.forumotion.net/index.htm
Please join us there, too!🙂