[GOV] Request MYR, moving tickets!

Day 623, 10:16 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Maybe this got lost in the former quite long article, so here it is separately, too.🙂
This is important as this might help you considerably to survive the first few days of the union with minimal hindrance.


Please mail the The Central Bank of Malaysia if you need MYR for 0.01 gold and donate the required amount of gold over! Especially if you are a Thai citizen or company owner. Daily limit for now is:
- 15 MYR (for 0.15 gold) for citizens
- 250 MYR (for 2.5 gold) for companies

We intend to push the MYR back to 0.01 gold on the monetary in 2 days at most, till then this might help hopefully. For getting rid of your THB, please mail either Albert Neurath or the Central Bank of Thailand for a possible exchange into gold.

Moving tickets

If you need help in moving to Peninsular Malaysia, where we have a q5 hospital, then please apply for a free moving ticket under this article! Once you arrived to the region, please feel free to fight green in the Resistance War and use the hospital for healing! Thank you.🙂

Best regards,