[GOV] Repeated monetary attacks - UPDATED

Day 654, 18:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear citizens,

Today our monetary market has been under repeated attacks. Till now speculators have bought out the MYR offers under around 1 MYR = 0.02 g to 0.022 g three times during the course of the day each time buying up several thousands of MYR. The first two times the Central Bank was able to push the exchange rate back to the desired 1 MYR = 0.015 gold level with the help of other citizens in a few hours but by now our MYR funds are close to depletion.

Some MYR is currently donated out to the Central Bank from the treasury while another 12000 MYR is being issued right now. The targeted rate is still 1 MYR = 0.015 gold and we will push the exchange rate back to there as soon as possible. However till that happens I'd like to ask for your help. I'm sure that several of you have larger amounts of MYR gathered on your accounts. I'd like to ask all of you to put any excess MYR that you have (and don't intend to use in the next 1-2 days) on the monetary market at the rate of 0.02 gold.

With this:
- you'll help us stabilize the monetary market faster
- deny profit from the speculators
- and in the meantime make profit yourselves as you'll be able to buy back any MYR you sold at higher rates for only 0.015 gold in a few days

So please list your MYR reserves you hide under your pillows on the monetary market to help yourself and help the country at the same time!🙂

We are attacked by a bunch of Chinese users. They've bought thousands of MYR out which they try to sell at 0.021 gold now. So please list your MYR at 0.02 gold to make it really expensive for them to buy out more MYR and to prohibit them from selling! Only go lower if they also decrease their offers! These are the attackers:
Royal RoyKlutz Bank

Tomorrow once the current money issue proposal goes through we'll submit another one to print around 20-30k MYR and make us a lot less vulnerable to monetary attacks. I'd like to ask congress members to vote yes on that proposal, too.

Also tomorrow company owners who very badly need MYR will be allowed to apply for 200 MYR / company at a 0.015 gold rate. Just send a mail and 3 gold to the Central Bank tomorrow and you'll get MYR in return as soon as I'm available.

Best regards,