[GOV] Monetary back to normal

Day 656, 12:08 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear citizens,

I can now proudly announce that the exchange rate of the MYR is back at the desired 0.015 gold rate. I'd like to thank all of you who helped in with pushing the exchange rate downwards and denying profit from the speculators. Hats off!

The situation is still a bit fragile though. If you have excess MYR you don't really need and can do without, please feel free to offer some MYR at the 0.015 gold rate. Alternatively keeping your excess MYR on the monetary at rates varying between 0.016 and 0.02 gold also helps as it makes monetary attacks a whole lot more expensive to execute. Let's keep the money in circulation and have a more stable monetary market as a result!🙂

Best regards,