[GOV] Let's get to work

Day 626, 06:52 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

First of all I'd like to thank you for all the votes and the continued support. I'll do everything to not disappoint and to hand over a fluently working true union to my successor when I'm stepping down a month from now. There are many issues to solve till then so let's get to work.🙂

Naming conventions

This is mostly symbolic but still crucial. We have to find an official name for our union and probably rename the military and the government's newspapers. Maybe some other things, too. Organizations unfortunately can't be renamed so the government organizations will probably keep their names as it would be a bit too costly to make new ones just for the sake of their name. Maybe a bit later on.
Suggestions for the name of the union are welcome on the forum in the Society section. Other naming suggestions can also be discussed in the forum of course.🙂

Taxes, economy

The union has a medium iron region and right now iron costs more than twice as much as oil. For this reason the income tax on iron surely has to be decreased. I'm suggesting a 5% income tax for iron as well but with keeping the import tax low to not shut out twice as efficient foreign companies from our market. Unlike medium iron, medium grain is absolutely useless. Still several such companies already exist and it's not an easy question to get them to close by brute force (high income tax) or to let the competition solve the issue. I'm more inclined to go with the latter with keeping the 10% income tax as a slight "punishment". Soon we might have to rethink import taxes at manufacturing industries as well though right now import is virtually non-existent.
All this will have to be discussed by congress of course as it's in their authority to change taxes.
There is already a discussion about the iron tax on the forum in the congress section. This is probably the most pressing issue on the field of taxes which I hope will be solved in 1-2 days.

A few notes on the economy in general. The merger has really turned our economy upside down. I just hope that this is a temporary situation and that things will settle in a few days. Because right now the wages are going up like crazy in the manufacturing sector mostly because of weapon companies while the price of q1 weapons is decreasing fast. It seems clear that more manufacturing companies are trying to operate than our labour base can support. On the other hand wages in the land sector have collapsed because of the extra workforce.

Government structure

The cabinet is not final yet so I'll announce the members gradually in the next 1-2 days and then publish a complete list. I'm looking forward to involving several eThai citizens in the government and I'd like to ask everyone to freely apply for jobs if they feel themselves qualified enough.

Albert Neurath will be the Minister of Immigration with the main task of checking out the background of people applying for citizenship, contacting them, and then providing information and suggestions on who to accept to the congress members.

Badlands17 will be heading one of the most important ministries being the Minister of Social Affairs and Education. The ministry will be centred around the Social Office org and will be responsible for the wellness program, the mentoring program, for educating newer users and for relocating people to Peninsular Malaysia, the region with a q5 hospital. The ministry will work with a bigger staff with deputies being Nouveauk, SetsunaX and Aries Longfellow. Further appointments are also possible. It will be Badlands17's responsibility to organize the work inside the ministry by dividing the tasks among himself and his deputies.

I think I'll continue from here soonish.🙂

Best regards,

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