[GOV] Foreign affairs, Sol Alliance

Day 631, 09:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Today I'd like to present to you the foreign affairs staff of the government.

Vikta as co-MoFA will help along negotiations representing the Union together with me or even alone in my absence. He'll also be the contact point towards foreign diplomats so essentially he will be our MoFA to the outer world.

NAR Henry also as co-MoFA will have a whole lot different task. Besides helping in with negotiations and representing us if needed his main task will be organizing and overseeing the ambassador network and thus improving our information channels, diplomacy and connections towards other nations. rockmusicfreak79 will assist him in this task most probably as deputy.

Our MoFAs will use the Foreign Office of eMalaysia org for official announcements (through its newspaper) and maybe also for official mailing just like Albert Neurath, the Minister of Immigration.

Sol Alliance

Our regional alliance, Sol now has an official public forum which you can fin😛 HERE.
Please feel free to register if you are interested.🙂
Sol also has an official open-to-everyone chatroom that is #Sol on rizon.net

Each member state can delegate 1 representative and 3 advisory representative into the Council of Sol. I'll be the representative and Vikta will be one of the advisories. But there are still two advisory places open. I have 1-2 candidates but first I'd like to hear your opinion on who we should delegate. Don't hide your opinion!🙂

Best regards,