[GOV] Citizenship arrives in 24 hours

Day 616, 01:09 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department
Very important, please vote this article up!

The admins of eRepublik announced the arrival of the long awaited feature of citizenship a few days ago. Please read the eRepublik Insider article on citizenship for more information about the feature!

The most important thing is that citizenship will be introduced on Day 617 at 01:00 Erepublik time, 24 hours from now. You'll get the citizenship of the country you reside in at that point. If you consider yourself an eMalaysian then please make sure to be in Malaysia at that time! This is very important as congress members will have a very limited amount of citizenships to hand out every month.

If you consider yourself attached to two countries maybe, one of them being Malaysia, the other a big country like the USA, Indonesia or Hungary, then my advice is to choose Malaysia. There is no dual citizenship in eRepublik and later on Malaysia's citizenship will be very hard to get while it's easy to receive citizenship at the more populous countries. But please only choose Malaysia if you have the country's best interest at heart!🙂

Best regards,

Official Malaysian chatroom is #erepublik.my at rizon.net
Official Malaysian forum is at: http://erepublik.forumotion.net/index.htm
Please join us there, too!🙂