[GOV] Announcing the official unity list - MUST READ

Day 610, 18:17 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department
This article is extremely important, please vote it with everything!

Only two days are left till the elections and our big test where we will go up against a TO attempt by a private Brazilian group who have already taken over the two smaller parties in Malaysia. Luckily our community is strong and with agreeing on running our candidates on an official unity list as formerly announced we can increase our chances of survival considerably. We will do our best to maximize the Malaysian voting potential and to enlist foreign aid.

The talks and nomination processes in the parties are now over so finally I can present you the list of official Malaysian candidates for congress. First tier candidates are marked with bold, they are the ones we will try to push into congress by all means to win a simple majority. And then we have a group of second tier candidates who will come into play if we are standing good on the elections. You should vote them only in the last hours of the elections and only if asked so because of good partial results. All official candidates (bar one) will run from DAP, what you can read in the brackets is the party they represent. Now let the names speak for themselves, I hereby present you our unity list:

Peninsular Malaysia:
Vikta (MAP)
Gustavius (MAP)
NAR Henry (MAP, running from MAP)
archmage2 (DAP)
Badlands17 (DAP)
PGeorge10 (DAP)

DonDefensor (DAP)
Asyraf Ramli (MPP)
Jeff Shiiste (DAP)
ww88 (MAP)

Mika von Marcali (MAP)
Cap'n Choh (MAP)
MartyMcFly1985 (DAP)
Jurkasz (DAP)
SHBalage (DAP)
crvnazvezda (DAP)

Dar Salaam (DAP)
Adwen (DAP)
Howard Roan (MAP)

gen_tiger (MAP)
SetsunaX (MAP)
cerasus (Djozikeists)
eHero (DAP)
Aries Longfellow (DAP)
Robert Magasi (DAP)

Rockmusicfreak79 (DAP)
BigBoss12 (MAP)
Roxz (MAP)

I wish the candidates and all of us best of luck and I'd like to ask everyone to vote on the first tier official candidates. We will have a regularly updated article on the 25th so that you can easily spot who needs votes at the time you are casting your vote. So please vote wise!
You might also want to install the Daily Orders script so that you can find the needed information even easier. More about this: HERE.

Best regards,

Official Malaysian chatroom is #erepublik.my at rizon.net
Official Malaysian forum is at: http://erepublik.forumotion.net/index.htm
Please join us there, too!🙂