[GOV] An edifying victory

Day 643, 04:34 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Yesterday the integrity of the Federal Republic of South East Asia was endangered by outside forces when a resistance war was started in Eastern Thailand. The timing of the attack (the battle ended 20 minutes before the deadline to run for congress) indicated that we might have 1-2 (PTO) groups behind the resistance war that sought to claim Thailand for themselves. Luckily as it turned out it was only a few Indonesian citizens looking to have some fun by trying to screw us. In the end we won a convincing victory with the wall standing at 42 000 points. This wouldn't have been possible without allies and friends. A big thank you goes to our Sol allies, namely Australia, Japan, China, the Philippines, Singapore and the hopefully soon-to-be Sol member of South Korea as well as all the Theocratic, Indonesian and Hungarian fighters and other individuals who arrived to help or offered help and were on standby waiting to see whether intervention is needed.

But this attack has surfaced several problems and has shown our weaknesses, too. We have to learn from the battle and try to find solutions for the threats to the integrity of the union. First of all a few groups have shown themselves and their intention of resurrecting an independent Thailand for their own benefit. A few of the Romanian PTOers fought in the battle as well as other foreigners who are members of private groups that can pose a threat to us. There are several groups out there searching for a country to own. And as Malaysia and Thailand are quite weak militarily even combined we can be a target for them even though the Thai regions don't hold any high resources.

And while most former Thai citizens fought on the defence (thanks to all of you, to😇) which shows the strength and success of the union the probably most worrying fact is that some Thai citizens fought on the side of the resistance. It seems there is a group of respected Thai users who are dissatisfied with the merger and would like to return to an independent Thailand. This needs urgent attention. I wonder why they have never raised their concerns and told what they are dissatisfied with. Anyhow we have to find that out and try to win them over for the union. It's also evident that very serious discussions have to be started on the direction and future of the Federal Republic of South East Asia.

The military also has to become more organized and it will be my top priority for the last 10 days of office to set up an efficiently working structure that can react fast and with full power on attacks like the one yesterday. There are also a few very important guidelines everyone should follow as a resistance war can be started any time so we are under constant threat. Here they are:
- Every day fight as close to the end of the available battle as possible. There is no point in fighting right after day change if you are online 6 hours later as well.
- If you spot a resistance war always check the Army Bulletin of FRoSEA and wait for the orders given there. If you are short on time and can't wait then always fight on the green side preferably with weapons. If we ever have an agreed upon, legit RW where the orders will be to fight red then it will be announced well in advance. Also we don't start resistance wars for training purposes as they are too expensive and way too risky. If you spot an RW you can be sure that it's a hostile action.
- If possible please refrain from spending the day changes at 50-60 wellness points for now or use this method with the greatest caution.

And two very basic guidelines:
- Please reside in Peninsular Malaysia where a q5 hospital is available and thus you can fight with maximum efficiency.
- Make sure to train everyday and to never miss the training battles which offer an opportunity to increase your rank.

And finally once again thanks to everyone who fought for us.🙂

Best regards,