[eUM] Sabah: THE LEGACY (The Series)

Day 1,960, 22:15 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

I need some warm up. After this I have 3 lengthy written works to finish.
Here goes some story…

What has Modernism has become of us?
Before that the world has no definite boundaries to separate power ruling class. North America, Africa, Australasia were tribal continents. Then Safari Park theme has created dividers; gold and diamond resources have been financing the constant tribal warfare to take control of poor powerless countries. New tribes come and go.

While the more civilised countries were ruled by monarchies and ruling class… and theologians.
Including the East Asian part, we have kingdoms and sultanates all over the place. Even in a small district also there’s a small sultanate; and seldom are subsets to a larger empire.
The northern states in Peninsular Malaysia were once under the Siamese power. Kedah (included Perlis and Penang), Kelantan paid yearly cession gold in the form of a gold tree to the King of Siam.
The States along the Malacca Straits were under influence of Majapahit Empire. Some states were closely related to the Malacca Sultanate which during its prime time the Sultan of Malacca, As-Sultan Mansur Shah was the son in law of Gusti Majapahit.
Sarawak were partially under the Brunei, but influence of Majapahit can still be seen from its old state flag.

TRISAKTI – The first Sarawak flag within Malaysia

The Land Below the Wind, under the shadow of Mt. Kinabalu shrouding over archipelagos of Sulu Sea ; once ruled The Sulu Sultanate.

But after the WW2 the world map has changed drastically.
Malaysia emerged.

The previous British colonials (British North Borneo Company)made an agreement with Sultan Mohamed Kiram:


“… Selagi ada Bulan dan Bintang…”

The British is no longer here, arguably the lease is cancelled already. But till this very day Malaysia still continue paying yearly cession RM5300 to the Sulu Sultanate.
And the people of Sulu has lived a prosperous life under Malaysia; far better than their kins in Palawan.

Or should I better say Sulu Sultanate can be found sprang out everywhere.

A bunch of pirate led by self proclaimed Sultan Jamalul Kiram 3 invaded Lahad Datu, Sabah.
With Philippines citizenship they claimed rightful owner to Sabah region.
It’s been a complex international military conflict, and still going strong with few fatal casualties.
Malaysian government has taken delicate measures in dealing with the issue.

Not only that… there’re also multiple claims as the rightful heir to that poor sultanate.

As in Indonesia there’re still various kingdoms maintain their status in social and cultural part. But without military power.Cirebon for an instance; and Suryakarta is also in dispute for the rightful heir.
So do the Sulu Sultanate. It is recognized by other royalties in the South East Asia.

The Seal is currently kept in trust of Brunei Sultanate… (as Sulu Sultanante also is the trustee for the safe keeping the Chinese Emperor Seal). Sulu is in fact quite rich, to rescue from Japanese intruders, the previous Sultan send away some 300 kg of golds to USA and Vatican. Yup, the golds are there but you know the ‘procedure’… nobody can touch. Not until the rightful Sultan came to claim.
Should we consider to make Sulu Sultanate the right to reclaim the throne and let Sabah be like other Malay Sultanates in Peninsular Malaysia… and has right to be elected as DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agong.
Hail Sulu  Sabah Darul Islam.
From Terengganu Darul Iman with love.

Cut the craps.
I can also proclaim myself as the Sultan of eSulu.
Bearing the royal name of Prabu Amli Nujhan Kiraman Katibin…. Hahaha

What do you know about sultanate? One of my distant ancestors were the last royal prince to the throne of Pattani Kingdom. He was the guy who helped the British Force 136 commandos, the first British comeback during the Japanese invasion.
And well I could say perhaps there’s a royal inter marriage with the Kiram bloodline, I am the heir to the Sulu sultanate.

Alfatihah to my late Indonesian friend, Kanjeng Crow Ford aka Laskar Allah.
But it was him who really wanted to unite Nusantara or Asean in the much peaceful way. He’s been a long time Deputy MoFA of eIndonesia and many time performed as ambassador to eMalaysia.
He knows things behind story about Sabah.

In the old time (around Teming’s era) we leased Sabah to eIndonesia many times for 30-50 golds.
It was actually due to the old Congress Election module; allowing as many candidate to run without control. Having 3 regions meaning we had to defend 30 seats or more. Thus putting Sabah in eIndo safe keeping is a tactical move of the time. eMalaysia has a constant struggle against PTO.
PTO here can make troubles to eIndonesia too. As eMalaysia is sharing boundaries wih eIdonesian regions, sometimes the PTOers got into power and trigger happy going invading eIndonesia’s territory. This would drive eIndo people mad.

After long period of confusion of PTO by the Turks, Hungarians, military conqurst of Cromania… everybody forget about “… Selagi ada Bulan dan Bintang…”

Yeah… what to do when an eIndonesian princess demanded to take Sabah as their own daughter.
Yeah… I know we are not only neighbours but also blood brothers. But even if you take your own niece as your adopted daughter… but “… while there’s still Moon and Stars …”, whenever she want to get married… I am the ‘wali’.
Yeah… I should control my macho before a princess. Can’t be rude…
Yeah… but Gusti President also got headache. (The previous)
I asked nothing more… just 1MYR cession per month, and Sabah is forever yours selagi ada bulan dan bintang… but he refused. Gotta maintain pride eh… hahaha… eat it.
Yeah what to do… I’m Ali Baba; He’s Kassim Baba.

Pity Crow Ford is gone.
He should be taking his turn for country presidency this coming term.

To give a little understanding about the modern eMalaysia, we have a rather firm ATO force.
We’ve gone various phases of PTO and military conquests by others… struggling to keep regions intact. We managed to survive as a government in exile for many times.
It’s not our choice to be a neutral nation. eMalaysia is are a taboo.

In the ancient days we were considered as a pro EDEN country. As we are a multi cultural country, we have active citizens from around the world living as eMalaysians. Many of them originated from EDEN block.
The eIndo-eMalaysian relation was bad, worsen by multiple low class RL social incidents.
eIndo being a strong ex-Phoenix alliance member is forever very supportive to eSerbia. Meanwhile the Serbian force has been the major PTO threat to eMalaysia. Always here, always near.
What to say… in the old day eIndo and eSerbians made pack to bully eMalaysia.
Hardly any peace.

The old sentiments is hard to be erased for some people. eThai is actually eSerbians; thank you for choosing eThai to settle down… send my regards to old folks.
They dominated the country long before RL Thai got interested into this game, so they act as the ATO team to eThai. So did the Romanians with eSingapore. Plato originated from there.

In the old days, around the era when Atracurium was the CP of eSingapore, he was among the money lords of eMalaysia. That time we have great people like Vikta, Gen Tiger,….
Well, many of people like them moved to eChina… mostly to save their industries from ridiculous taxes set by the Serbs. It’s obvious when the majority of them are Malaysian Chinese. Their main interest in this game is economy… Economy module crumbled, and the fun is gone to them.
In the old economic module, we have an active monetary market fluctuating the country’s inflation.
eMalaysian tycoons used to play a major part in the world economy. They played import-export trading while influencing foreign economy. Oh… hell they were super rich people.
eMalaysia suffered a major crumble when the Turks PTOed us; printed money out of thin air and sells cheaply… went to the lowest ever in history at almost RM5000 per Gold.
Some other small countries were affected from similar cause.
Plato changed the monetary market module by standardizing all currencies.
This happens to saves eMalaysia from total poverty, but without playable economic module, many eMalaysians lost interest in the game..

But Plato hates eMalaysian players… in a way.
Those wealthy tycoons have gone passive but still around somewhere in eChina.
I never buy gold too… but for more than a year sharing my wealth with fellow countrymen, I’m still one of the richest player around.

Yeah… do you think those guys in eChina play using mastercards?
Ooo… Great Atracurium. The handsome Singaporean-American.

In the old days eChina is the main MPP to eMalaysia… always suspicious and worry with the shadow of Phoenix.

What the fcuk…

And eMalaysia happens to be at the TW battle ground to those EDEN and Phoenix conflict… .
Through repeating PTO after PTO that we are already accustomed to, it’s hard to manage new players.

This may include many ex-eMalaysians who chose to migrate to eJapan (as others moved to eChina, eUSA or elsewhere). Especially those non RL Malaysian players.
Subversive and have link with PTO.

But they couldn’t prosper in eJapan although they managed to take over the country. It was constant pressure from Taiwan.

Funny… remembering assholes like Fruitcommando.

But eMalaysia still the most strategic region suitable for them.
Being under the wing of Mighty Garuda, bordering with eThai… both countries are CoT strongholds in region. While Asia-Oceanic CoT headquarters was far away up north suffocating from heavy bombardment by eTaiwan.

They sent scout trying to persuade eMalaysia into joining CoT. With endorsement from eIndo.
Greatmoff offered himself as a bridge; to summarize…
Do you familiar with names like Stamford Raffles?
British East India Company.

Greatmoff wanted to bring in an our old friend back to eMalaysia.
Alas,… our Ministry of Internal blocked his CS request.
Greatmoff got away from eMalaysia.
We keep the case shut, we don’t like to tell stories about others in the past.

Internally, that arianfar the fool was making noises after noises.
A fatal mistake done by him accused for buying vote.

What Greatmof refers as too much corruption in eMalaysia.

I dunno what’s up with arianfar’s craze for power.
He made issues with Teming… (regretfully my relation him never recovered for defending arianfar).
He made issues with everybody. Now he’s chasing Nerzhu1 night and days.

He’ll be always like that. Nothing I can do.

We don’t really desperate for the CP title… we hardly receive any request from individuals who want to fill in the spot for CP. (Except from arianfar).
So do people to work in the cabinet… the ministries.
It’s rather a busy job. Serving for the country.

I did talked with henchee before in opening an opportunity to strengthen his party by opening a door for eIndonesian IPDN graduates to further their studies in practical fields, by taking part as ministers or congressmen in eMalaysia under eUniversity Malaya programs.
Some of the previous eIndo CP also showed interest to participate. There’s no rule saying they can’t be the CP of eMalaysia as well.

I don’t know why eIndo people avoid themselves from being labelled as PTO in eMalaysia.
But strangely there’s inner tendency to wipe eMalaysia militarily… a constant pressure within.
We’d rather being PTOed by eIndo… at least we understand the language and sharing cultures. In term of relationship still within the family and neighbourhood. MAHRAM.
While towards others perhaps there’re rules of contact and conduct; ‘batal wudhuk’ and ‘najis mughallazhoh’.

Anybody can practically be the CP of eMalaysia.
As long as he/she is on the ATO side.
To mark the ATO fingerprint is we own Ministry of Edutainment.
You can run Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affair, even Ministry of Finance, Prime Minister or wha ever; but never MoE.

Why MoE?
Nobody come and teach us to go right or to go left; It’s a tick or a cross.
But we, Kiraman Katibin… The Pensip of Truth and Evilness, we sustain the playing ethic of the game to all eMalaysian citizen. We have our own culture and history to preserve.
Nobody should come and spamming our media with rubbish and claiming themselves as True eMalaysian; or quite frequent is by bringing in foreign MUs and setting up a military academy … and launch RW for their training without approval from the government.

But we true eMalaysians are blamed for all action done by others.

We have our own eUniversity of Malaya. Long established before the majority of all other universities in eRepublik. It has been the sole focal point for intellectual references.
We believe education should be free from conflict.
It should be a peaceful bridge to every other culture in the entire world.
Although this game is based on war module, but at the far corner it is also about peace and friendship that unites the whole eRepublik community.

+1 EWA

Oh hell…
We are on the air strike target again…. and again.
We won the first ever air strike ever though… hahaha

I end my rants with a ‘Pantun 4 Kerat’
Daulat Tuanku!
Mari Jilat J***r Aku
Hail mASSter!
Come and Lick My Ass.


Minister of Edutainment

Dean of eRepublic Art and Technology,
eUniversity of Malaya [eUM]

eRepublik Official Mentor Program Team Member


To be an eMalaysian and gain life time scholarship in eUM, please born/reborn as an eMalaysian